20190120 – Sunday – Breakfast t Mediterranean Cafe

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20190120 – Sunday – Breakfast at Mediterranean Cafe

It is a simply gorgeous day here at Glenelg in Adelaide, South Australia.

I love this place, South Australia, that is. The Mediterranean cafe is ok, but South Australia is so much better.

The air is simply shining today, and everyone is happy. 

All the breakfasters are escaping their own kitchens to be waited on and pampered in all the many cafes around Glenelg.

I had poached eggs and salmon and spinach leaves, and I loved my meal, knowing that it was all so good for me.

If I ever feel guilty about how much I spend on breakfasts, I always say to myself that I spend the money I would have otherwise spent on Doctor’s bills.

How can you be unwell when there is so much beauty and pleasure in this world.

Soon I will leave here and go to South Adelaide for the memorial meeting, and I will sit next to Adrian and Carol and listen to a wonderful exhortation. 

You know what it will be like Jenni Chand.

I bet you wish you were here too.

Though you sound pretty happy with Qld and/or Vanuatu, where you are currently staying.

It would have been even more perfect if Susie Johns had answered my text message to join me for breakfast if she was out of bed yet. 

She obviously was not!

Never mind, another time.

Well, last night I finished sorting out my jewellery.

Everything is in a separate plastic bag and I have THROWN out every damaged or broken item which I have kept for years, thinking that ONE DAY I would fix it.

Now I can find everything with ease.

A lot of the silver has tarnished I am afraid, so my next step is to google “how to clean silver neckdlaces” and if I can do that, well and good, otherwise even more necklaces will go into the green bag.

I felt so GOOD after I had completed that job.

Now I am going to go onto the next job, sorting out my CLOTHES.

Over the years I have never thrown out a thing. 

The reason being that I could never be sure I would not need my FAT clothes again.

But now, everything has changed.

Now that I understand about carbs and their affect on my body, I can be SURE that I will NEVER put on all that excess weight every again.

It might take a long time to reduce that weight, but as Darren has always told me, “It is not about WEIGHT, it is about health.

And that is the reason I can sort out all my jewellery, because I FEEL so well, and I have energy to burn, compared with only a few months ago.

So if I tackle one job at a time, and do it PROPERLY, then I can reduce the clutter in my small flat.

When I think of all the “stuff” I have disposed of in my lifetime, it is amazing.

I remember when I owned 7 properties and had storage space filled with “stuff” in three of them.

I had 3 properties with a double garage on each of them, and that I never rented out to my tenants.

It was my stuff stored there. 

In my mind I can walk around each garage and I KNOW where everything was.

I remember one day in one of my properties at Aldinga Beach when I had only one day to clean it all out.

Darren and I looked at all the stuff in that garage and didn’t know HOW we were going to get rid of it all in only ONE day.

At first, we made decisions about what to do with each thing, then in the end, we just put IT ALL out on the footpath.

It was GOOD stuff, not trash, and so it was perfectly good tents, and wardrobes and clothes and ropes and, and, and ………

So out it all went.

People came from everywhere, and it was like ants were picking up all my stuff.

Off they went with my valued belongings in their arms, scurrying off to their homes and then returning for more.

When we had put the last thing out and placed it on the footpath, it immediately disappeared, and there was nothing left of my past LIFE to be seen.

And what did I FEEL?

I felt FREE, lighter somehow.

None of it had I used in years, and so it that was the case, I didn’t need any of it.

And this last month that I have spent on the road, I had taken very few things with me. 

My life became simplified.

I wore the same clothes over and over with just a rinse in between.

I was able to think my thoughts and dream my dreams and all the SHOULDs and OUGHTs of my life had disappeared.

Home was wherever I stopped.

My friends were all there on facebook, and I chatted and shared my secrets with all my friends.

When I was tired, we would say “NIGHT” OR “BYE,”  and then I would fall into a peaceful sleep.

I thought A LOT about God, and the kingdom.

I chatted with Jim D way across the ocean in Cranston Rhode Island.

How is that even possible??

What a strange world we live in.

And so I now realise that THINGS are not important.

And even when I run out of money which I did for today, and pay day is not until Tuesday.

I just texted my friend Darren, and asked for a loan until Tuesday, and the reply came instantly, DONE.

Darren would have put this entry in SPLITWISE, Loan to Fay $50, which would have been added to my car registration of $50, total balance -$100.

On Tuesday when my pay comes in, I would pay Darren $100, and we would be square again for this fortnight.

It seems that in my latter years, all the former fears and worries of my life seem to have melted away.

I have people who love and care for me.

And now with my diet, and new way of eating, I also have a measure of good health for my latter years as well.

I have so much to be grateful for.

Thank you all my friends, to you Susie and Pauline and Barrie, and Peter H and …on and on…thank you all.