20160310 – Thursday – Coping

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Inside my little trailer

August last year, I came to New South Wales to attend my friend Gail’s daughter’s wedding. Looking back I think l managed that trip rather well travelling with my little car and trailer.

Also looking back I think the reason I handled it so well was that Gail helped me out each step of the way.

This time I have come over for the ‘oldies Bible school at Rathmines and somehow it has been much more difficult.

It’s only a few minutes ago that I realised why it it’s been more difficult.

Going to a Bible school is very different to going to a wedding!

When there was any great distance to walk Gail seemed to arrange things like having a wheelchair for me so that I could sit peacefully while she pushed me to where we had to go.

At Rathmines I had to plan everything for myself.

I had arranged with Gail to stay at her house overnight and just be a day visitor at Rathmines.. That could have been okay, but with the bedroom area and bathroom being upstairs that meant I had to use my legs more often than I am used to.

I began to feel exhausted and so I changed my game plan. I decided to stay overnight at the school and sleep in my trailer at night time.

that worked okay for me but all of my friends were urging for me to sleep on site and that I did not want to do.

I have been at Rathmines for Bible schools many times over the years and I know that when it is summer and  it is hot it is hot.

On the other hand, my little trailer is not like a room on site because it cools down very quickly at night and if you happen to know which way the wind is blowing you can face the trailer so that the cooler night air comes in.

Against all opposition I have maintained my stand and have slept in my trailer at night.

Now that the camp it’s almost over my game plan is all sorted out. A bit late I know. But I will at least know what to do next time if there is a next time.

Here is my game plan. In the morning I get up pack up my trailer which consists of putting a box and a chair inside and closing up my trailer.

And then I get into my car and drive into Rathmines proper and in a nice cafe there I have my breakfast which will probably be an omelette.

I read the newspaper and my emails and answer a few of them. Then I read the newspaper. Afterthat I go to the cafes bathroom and have a good wash and get myself all ready and dressed for the day in fresh clothes. I wet my unruly hair and comb it into some sort of order and hope it will stay that way for most of the day.

By this time it is time for morning tea at the school and I’m early for the second session. I’m at  the school for the rest of the day.

after dinner at night I am generally pretty tired. So I go to bed and go to sleep.

Once upon a time, when I was young, many many years ago I would have been horrified to miss out on ANYTHING at Bible school. These days I do what I can cope with and I let the rest of the world go by.

This still allows me to follow one of the speakers through from start to finish. The others I can catch up with with when we get the CD of the talks. This I will play in my car on the way home, God willing.

Today I decided not to go on the bus trip but instead chose to go to my little cafe again and there I set up my computer. I purchased a cup of coffee, actually, it was a cup of tea. I sent some photos to my granddaughter who had asked me for some and then wrote up this my diary.

Soon I will go back to the school in time to be there when the buses come in. So that is what I have been doing for the last few days.