20181110 – Saturday – Inc Cafe

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20181110 – Saturday – Inc Cafe.

Well, I have hit the “under 10” sugar level on as little as 20-40 units of insulin.

This is a real milestone for me.

..And I feel so good.

All that I could still wish is that my legs would work better, but it is early days yet.

I have until March, when I am due to have a knee-replacement operation.

I am hoping that by that time I will have lost a LOT of weight, and maybe my legs will work better by then so that I may not NEED an operation.

I FEEL so much better all over my body, except my knees! 

I am so hoping that a “miracle” will happen and that as I lose weight and my legs don’t have to carry so much weight, that they will work better.

Trouble is they are very bandy, and the podiatrist has told me that the bones in my right foot are way to close to my skin because of the way I walk.

But we shall see! I am an EXPERIMENT in progress.

And I will keep reporting as I go along.

I hope I am not boring you all to death with my talk about diet and diabetes. 

But I feel sure there are many of my friends who “out there” who have the same problems as I do and may be interested to hear the outcomes of mine!

I and hoping to get some work done today.

Yesterday I spent at my daughter’s place looking after little Acacia, so I didn’t get any time to work.

But today I have the whole day to myself.

Darren is coming down from Darwin next week, and is going to stay at Victor Harbor with his family at the Luke’s holiday shack, so I will visit him there.

It will be good to see him, and as he has been monitoring my “diet” from the very beginning, I am sure he will be interested to SEE my progress.

His ambition is to get me to become a Crossfit-ter. All I can say, is “Good luck with that, Darren.”

I hate any exercise that I don’t like, and that is just about everything except swimming, and even that, I do because I have to.

I just like sitting at my iPad and talking to my friends on facebook and to the world, and to myself if there is no one else to talk to.

My diet for Friday 9th October, 2018

Fay: Wake-up Friday at 9.00 am.

I am going to Jesia’s today. Will go shopping for food before I go, so I have the “right stuff” for lunch.

Darren: The Video was excellent. 

I sent it to a few people, good find.

Fay: Yes, he was the guy in The Magic Pill who was taken to court by the multi-nationals because he prescribed a low carb diet to his patients, and he won his court case.

Darren: Yeah, was excellent. Thanks for the share.

Fay: What r u up to today?

Darren: Just working on stuff!


Fay: I am at Jesia’s still. Batteries need charging. WordPress driving me crazy. New editor called Gutenberg. Hate it! Can’t add photos without big mess around.

Still at Jesia’s. Pretty soon time to go home.

Photo of Fay and Acacia.

5.54 pm at 12.8 sugar level

10 units of Novarapid

Home from Jesia’s.

So, for breakfast and lunch at Jesia’s I had 1 tin of fish, tomato, carrot, mushrooms, cucumber, 2 strawberries and for Dinner chicken and same vegetables.

So I stuck to diet for whole day and finished eating at 6.15 pm.

Gone to bed for rest now.

Darren: That’s great.

Fay: 7.30 pm at 12.1 sugar level

10 units of Lantus.

1/4 cup coconut milk, chia and maca.

Darren: That’s treat. Are u filling out your daily form too?

I’ll check all the results this weekend.

Fay: I haven’t filled in today’s but will do so now.

I missed one day earlier this week.

Darren: Ok, do you know which one?

Can you go back and complete it with the info from whatsapp?

Fay: Sent form for Thursday 8th October 2018.

There, I have just sent form for Monday 5th Oct, 2018.

All up to date now.

Friday night bedtime at 9.43 pm.

Darren: That’s great. I will do some graphing at the end of next week to show your sugar levels and weight over time and how they have changed.

Fay: 10.24. Pm at 9.7 sugar level

This sugar level is amazing.

Make it something I can show on fb, maybe in jpeg form.

Darren: That’s awesome.

That is the lowest it has been so far and finally a score under 10!! 

Fay: Celebration!

12.31 am at 12.1 sugar level

10 units Lantus.

5.10 am at 8.4 sugar level.

6.57 am at 9.7 sugar level.

Wake up on Saturday 10th October 2018.