20190203- Sunday – Driver’s license, South Adelaide

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20190203- Sunday – Driver’s license, South Adelaide

It was Inc this morning

Haven’t been here for a week or two now.  

It is another lovely day, so I sat outside on one of the tables in the shade and ate my breakfast from my little esky.

Well, at least I have something to look forward to, my trip to Tassie coming up, but after that??

I mentioned that I had received a letter in the post yesterday, and that I would need some time to think about it, so I would “think about it tomorrow.”

Well, my “sins” have caught up with me.

On 27th of this month, I lose my licence for 6 months!

Driving at 60 in a 50 zone finally got me.

I was on a 12 month’s “good behaviour” licence and was within 1 month of that period being completed when I received that 1 point from driving at 60 in a 50 zone, and so now I am to be “car-less” for 6 months.

Woe is me!

My life stretches before me.

Never able to go to the Inc cafe.

Who knows how I will get to meetings.

Goodbye “coffees with friends.”

And a lot of time staring at 4 walls.

It feels like a prison sentence to me!

You will never believe me, but I and a careful driver who uses cruise control ALL the time, and yet somehow I have “lapses.”

But no excuses, it is done and I have to live with it.

Still it will mean I will get lots of study and work on my iPad done.

And I may even have a look at “The Blacksmith’s Daughter” again, and continue on from 1975 to who knows where.

And there are all the photos I will sort.

It can’t be all that bad.

I am an optimistic person, when all is said and done.

I can’t walk very far, so there is no point in thinking I can walk everywhere, and forget public transport, I really could not handle that with my walker.

So there is always Uber and taxis, I should be able to get subsidised rides.

But not to think of it right now.

I will look at it after my return from Tassie.

I remember years ago when I was a real estate salesperson, I had been given 1 point back on my licence, and then I got another fine from driving the wrong way up a one-way street!

So, no license, no job.

It was just after the Main Street in Victor Harbour had bee zoned as a one-way street.

I had parked on the left kerb in that road and went to a cafe to have a coffee.

When I came out I promptly did a U-turn and so was going the wrong way up this one-way street which of course I was completely unaware of.

So I decided to appeal and so my court case was being held at Victor harbour and not wanting to pay a solicitor to defend me,  I DEFENDED myself.

I had been a court reporter, so I thought that I could manage the court case by myself.

Anyway I had done a LOT of preparation.

But in the end, the Magistrate had to help me, and then the police prosecutor was telling me what to say and do, and finally the Magistrate said,

“Look, just get out of here, and we will forget the whole thing.

So I left the court without any charge or fine being imposed.

I had to stop myself from speeding home, I was so happy, and felt so FREE.

Well, this time, I don’t feel so free.

When I go to Services Aust with my driver’s licence in hand, I WILL plead my cause in case ANYTHING  can be done for me, sigh……… but we shall see.

And this all just in the year before Christ returns (I hope and pray).

So for 6 months, dear facebook friends, I suspect you will not hear a lot from me.

I will be in mourning for my (deceased) driving license.