20180905 – Wednesday – Burcher Muesli
I have just been to the doctor for the very first time since I got home.
I got a form from the doctor telling me who to contact at Flinders re checking where I am on the list for knee-replacement.
So I will ring Dr Christopher Wilson today to see what the situation is.
I also renewed all my prescriptions for my diabetes.
Then I got out of there as fast as I could go and went to Broadway and consoled myself with the coffee and Burchar Mueslie bowl.
Why is it when under stress (and doctor’s put me under extreme stress) that we/I always go for the comfort foods and that wonderful restorative cup of flat white coffee!!
Now what to do today? Tonight is mid-week class at South Adelaide, so that is always restorative.
I love that we don’t have a leader but just general discussion there.
It wouldn’t be much good if no one there did any study beforehand, but Adrian always does and Carol and Nigel do, and a few others have some good thoughts, so there is always something interesting to think about.
I always have some thoughts too, because in the previous week, the transcribing I do always brings me a lot of “why” questions to answer and you can be sure that they will touch some topic in Luke.
It is the same at Flaxley, we have the exhort and then just prior to the emblems we all discuss the exhort before we break bread.
This means that your meaningful thoughts are not forgotten after the meeting, and can be revisited over lunch.
Yesterday I called on my cousin Kathy and her husband Richard.
Richard said he had really enjoyed NCs Revelations talks (which I must have given him on a previous occasion) and so I gave him some more, Job, Moses, Ecclesiastes and Zechariah, all by NC.
I am glad that he is enjoying them.
I am really chuffed that Ian Cooper has written his book “Buffalo Men” about Robert Joel Cooper, a distant rellie of mine and his closer relative and so something I have written has ended up in the Bibliography of a real “live” book.
Ian wrote:
“As John Morris has pointed out in an article in Aboriginal History (2000) a mythology developed about Cooper crediting him with fighting duels to become “King” of Melville Island and creating a peaceful environment. Even Professor Sir Walter Baldwin Spencer contributes to these in a small way as in his 1928 semi-autobiographical book, Wanderings in wild Australia, he writes:
It is only due to Cooper and his influence that white men have been able to land on the island during recent years, and that the Roman Catholic mission was originally able to be founded on Bathurst Island immediately across the Strait and in view of his settlement.’
These myths (and others) have proved resilient and have found their way into the 1972 history of the Cooper Family and that by FAY BERRY!!!!, an indirect Cooper relative.”
And then in the bibliography under “books” my name appears FIRST!! Berry, Fay. “The King of Melville Island, Robert Joel Cooper’s Amazing Story,’ My stories and writings.
Well, it doesn’t make me famous, but it certainly “tickles my fancy.”
Anyhow, I reckon my “story” was more readable than his. And besides, Joel is called “King of Melville Island” on his tombstone in the Darwin Garden Cemetery.
Ian’s book is very interesting to me, at any rate.
I am also reading Beulah Edwards book “The Course of Time,” and I am enjoying it very much.
So that is my day so far.