20190402 – Tuesday – The day before

20190402 – Tuesday – The day before

Today is the last day before I go into Hospital.

My darling Melbourne daughter will arrive, God willing this evening. 

She is going to stay at Stewart B’s place initially, because he lives at Glenelg which is close by.

If she had stayed at Adelaide Daughter’s place, she would be too far away for an early 7 am start.

I woke up this morning to a sugar level reading of 12.

I took just 10 units of Lantus and 10 units of Novarapid to bring my sugar level back down to maybe a reading of 8.

Today I am going to fast and not eat any food, except to sip water for the whole of the day.

This, hopefully, will keep my sugar levels low for the whole of the day.

And then by tomorrow morning on a continued fast, I should not need to take any insulin at all in readiness for the operation.

Well, that’s the plan, anyway.

I will keep monitoring my sugar levels to see that it is so.

I have done the dishes and cleaned up my kitchen, washed all my clothes in preparation for packing.

Today, I am just going to lie about, listening to studies and maybe watching some YouTube movies.

By the way, I mentioned that I had cancelled Netflix and taken out a subscription for YouTube.

And I am so glad I did,

The quality of the movies on YouTube is far, far superior to the Netflix rubbish that I had been trying to watch.

There are all sorts of historical movies, and documentaries, which are far more to my taste.

And, what is even more wonderful, I have found that by clicking on an “envelope” at the bottom of the screen I get all the Christadelphian Watchman videos, in a long list for me to choose from.

It has an icon for “Premium” at the top of the page, so it seems I have uTube premium in my membership too.

So Peter H it seems I do have premium membership as well, (so I don’t know why it is not working for you.)

This saves me searching on Google for them, and they are always there at my fingertips.

I don’t know why they are accessible right there on YouTube but they are, and now I will be encouraged to watch more studies and less movies.

The vagaries of computer programs!

So tonight, I will get out the list that I have made and pack my small bag ready for hospital, which for me will be the commencement of a new life, I am hoping, and God willing.

A new life in which I can once more use my legs for WALKING!!

Last night I listened to study #37,38 of Visions of the Kingdom, about the Cherubim, and I enjoyed them so much.

It is probably the 3rd  time I have watched these studies but I am still not able to retain them in memory.

JD’s work is so profound and so much detail to learn.


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