2019 0116 – Wednesday – Home Again

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20190116 – Wednesday – Home again.

Home again!

It is good to be home again. 

And I come home feeling very happy and grateful to God for his care in bringing me home safely.

I had barely got settled in and was sitting talking to Jeff and catching up on all my mail, when there was a knock at the door, and Peter Scott’s stentorian voice advising that he wanted to know if there was anyone home.

Rob Scott, Peter’s son was sitting in his 4wd in the driveway and Peter wanted to know if we would like to go somewhere for a coffee.

We certainly did was my reply and soon we were on the way to my favourite cafe The Inc cafe in the Minda Grounds.

We arrived there after a pleasant drive along the sea front.

It was a pleasure for me to be driven somewhere because this enabled me to take as many photos as I wanted along the way.

We walked into the cafe and all the thin blooded men wanted to sit outside and not in the cool of the cafe.

So we sat under the outside umbrellas.

Since Jeff was paying for me, I ordered a lovely breakfast of poached eggs, bacon, avocado, tomato spinach and mushrooms and a tall cup of flat white.


I had not gone up to the shop to get any groceries yet, so that delayed the need to do so until late in the afternoon when it was cooler.

Peter and Jeff talked together and Rob and I sat mostly in silence and I was able to enjoy my meal.

Rob decided to go for a walk to the beach, so he disappeared off for maybe an hour or so.

Peter decided that Rob must be lost and so he too disappeared off to look for him.

Jeff and I went inside to the cool and we sat in the lounge chairs and each read the newspaper for the day.

I was enjoying the peace and quiet and the coolness.

Peter returned telling us that he had had to climb fences to get to the beach (I could have told him that) and so he decided he would have to return by a different route (I could have told him that) and so he ended up walking to Brighton road and then back down Repton road which must have been a walk of around 3-4 k (I could have told him that).

Peter was sure Rob was lost, so he and Jeff rang Leslie and got Rob’s mobile phone number.

Peter rang Rob and Rob of course said he was not lost but would soon be back at the cafe (I could have told Peter that).

So eventually Rob turned up and we were soon on our way home, with Rob and Peter arguing over who was lost and who was not.

It reminded me so much of old times.

Rob is such a patient man.

So back home we went, and Rob detached my trailer from my car and moved it to a spot where I can more easily clean it all out.

I MUST be feeling much better this time than on my return home last trip.

Nothing seems too hard for me this time, whereas when I arrived home last time everything overwhelmed me.

I feel SOO good this time, I really do.

We said Goodbye to Peter and Rob. Peter saying that it would probably be the last time he would be coming to Adelaide.

Their car broke down on the way to Adelaide and so they have had to leave their caravan at Rob’s place and they will have to return to Lismore by plane and buy a car and come back to pick up their caravan at some time later down the track.

I am so glad I did not have car trouble on my journeying. 

THAT would be a bit hard for me to handle.

I went shopping and purchased some groceries and then I went to the Chemist to see what is wrong with my measuring instrument for my blood sugar.

The Chemist GAVE me a new one for free and already, at home, I have successfully taken my first measurements on the new machine.

Sugar level is too high, mostly because I have been “guessing” how much insulin to take because my measurement machine wasn’t/isn’t working.

But now I am home I should be right.

I will book at doctor’s appointment soon and get all my measurements up-to-date.

But my best measuring tool is simply how I FEEL.

I feel simply marvellous.

This trip has sorted so many things out for me.

I now know what foods I need to buy each time I shop.

I keep myself on a balanced diet and I know that I am NOT putting on any weight and that what I am eating is healthy, and everything inside of me is working well.

But I do have to get some reading and listening to studies.

But on the whole of my trip I have been listening to the NIV version of the Bible so it has kept my mind “right” and I feel happy and so much at peace.

I have met so many of my friends and kept in touch with so many wonderful brothers and sisters. 

I feel so very, very, very blessed.