20190117 – Thursday – Carly Johnson’s Funeral

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20190117 – Thursday – Carly Johnson’s funeral

Today is a sad day for the Johnson family.

It was the funeral of their beloved daughter, Carly who was killed in a car crash in early January.

It was a very hot day and I did not feel confident enough to venture out in the heat to the funeral, so instead I arranged to meet up with Adrian and Carol at Burnside village and Darren sent me a link to the funeral so I could watch it whilst I was there.

I listened and watched proceedings on my ipad until Adrian and Carol arrived and then watched some more after Carol and Adrian had left.

Technology is simply amazing.

Carly was a wonderful young woman, beloved of all the members of her family and I thought about Ron Palmer a lot while watching the podcast.

I remembered him and his beautiful voice, and how his grandchild, Carly was so into music, as he was.

And, yes, Darren, I saw the photograph with you and Carly together. It must have been taken years ago  now.

You texted me a message telling me how Carly’s funeral had reminded you to tell me how much you cared for me whilst I am alive, and not wait until I was dead to remember to do so!!

I love u too, Darren.

Last night Jim D emailed me and sent me some studies he has recently done.

I am so blessed. 

I have so many people who love and care for me.

I certainly found that out when I was bogged in Wail State Forest a couple of nights ago.

So many loved ones to thank God for and to remember in prayers each day.