20180908-10 – Saturday to Monday.

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20180908-10 – Saturday to Monday.

I am using my “planner” and finding it very valuable. It means I am able to book things in advance so I don’t forget about them.

It also avoids me having those periods when I wake up and find I have got a lot of work done but not visiting with friends, and then I feel lonely.

So, now I book ahead. That’s what Darren does to keep up with his friends. I am going to follow his example.

His blog is about to come on line. He has called it “The grass roots investor.” It is very good.

Sunday I went to south, and it was a great meeting. It was Julia Fabian-Smith’s birthday, and she is chugging along quite well.

I posted a study by NC on Revelations 4 on fb. I have listened to it, but need to go over it again.

I have been chatting to Beulah Edwards about her book which I think is quite amazing.

We all have different talents, and hers is an amazing knowledge of world history.

I have today rung the hospital to see where I am in THE LIST for knee replacement, and it looks like I am going to be able to have the operation in March of next year (God Willing).

It is just for one knee and if it works it should change my life. On my travels up the coast I have had to cope, all the way, with lifting my walker in and out of my boot, climbing in and out of my trailer, and it has been so hard. But I did it and I am so glad I went on that trip.

Prior to leaving, I was 8 k heavier than I am now, and every day, after going out to a cafe and working in the morning, by afternoon I would be exhausted and just go to bed and waste most of the afternoon.

Going away in my trailer and using so much energy and losing so much weight was the best thing I could have done.

I met so many people and made so many friends and learned so much. I am so glad I kept writing my “blog” because it was a means of keeping track of my memories and the friends I made. And it gives me a lot of pleasure now, retracing my foot (car) steps and reinforcing those friendships.

In my planner I have put the names of all my friends and now I can REMEMBER to keep in touch with them.

This morning (Monday) I went to the Aquatic centre and exercised for 1 hour and I will do that 3 days a week. That should cover the necessary exercise I need to do to keep me fit for the operation

Now I am going to transcribe Study 23 of Visions of the Kingdom by Jim Dillingham.

And after that I am going to put up NCs exhort from Sunday which he did for the baptism of his daughter.

I keep forgetting to take photos, so I hurriedly took some phots of the airport on my way home.

Image may contain: sky, tree and outdoor
Image may contain: sky and outdoor
Image may contain: sky and outdoor
Image may contain: sky, outdoor and nature
Image may contain: sky, outdoor and nature
Adam Jones what planner have you used Fay? Sounds like something I should look at



Adam Jones replied7 Replies

Frog like spirits gathering the nations.

Lecture for the Last day.

And what a privilege is ours to know where we stand in the book of Revelation, And we stand in this particular section of Scripture that we’ve just read so will you open your Bibles if you haven’t already done so to Revelation chapter 16 where we start the sixth angel pouring out his vial on the great river Euphrates.

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Deb Bee Great talk. Easy to follow



This is my friend Darren’s new blog. It is going to be quite brilliant in my humble opinion.

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The Grass Roots Investor
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The Throne in Heaven of Revelation Ch 4 by Neville Clark 2018

The book of Revelation is basically the story of two parallel chronologies of history, one secular and the other religious, speaking of course of a development over time of the Roman Empire. And punctuating that history are future visions of the kingdom age which are there specifically to edify the Saints in each of the various judgement epochs of that Roman history.

Well this morning by way of exhortation we are…

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