20180905 – Friday – Ben and Sharon

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20180905 – Friday – Ben and Sharon

I am at “The Shack” at West Beach caravan park.

I came here because today I am meeting with Peter H for a session on my computer.

But when I got to the shack, I found that the restaurant area where all the power points are has been closed down!

Woe is me!

I found one PowerPoint next to the ice cream fridge and so was able to connect to that.

But then I could not get my internet to work. It would not connect to either my phone or ipad!

So I drove home and picked up my modem from home but then my power points and connections didn’t seem to work.

But then I did!

It is a good thing I came here early to get myself sorted before Peter arrived.

I want Peter to look at my menus and categories. I don’t know what I am doing wrong.

Anything with a structure and I am in trouble. I don’t seem to be able to think “top down.”

I know that Darren is so good at structuring everything.

I always seem to be altering my structures.

The other thing that makes things difficult for me is my eyes.

The print on my laptop is so small I find difficulty reading it and have to lean over my keyboard to read the text.

Well, since I am grizzling, I might just as well get it all off my chest.

For the last week when I wake up in the morning, my balance is off and if I didn’t have my walker next to my bed, I would fall over.

Another sign of getting older. But I must struggle on.

Tonight I am visiting with Ben and Sharon so I am looking forward to that.

And if I can learn how to do menus and categories with Peter I will be happy.

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and indoor
Image may contain: indoor
Image may contain: one or more people and closeup