20180918-Tuesday – Elle

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20180918-Tuesday – Elle

This past week I have been busy doing transcripts of NCs study on Demons and also his exhort given at his daughter’s baptism.

On Sunday I went to Halifax meeting for the memorial meeting and in the afternoon there was a lunch in the rear hall prior to the first meeting about the 2020 Conference which is being held, God willing, in Adelaide.

This means that this coming year is pretty well wrapped up for me.

In March of next year I am due to have my knee replacement, and so it is crucial that I lose a lot more weight in preparation for that.

When I rang the doctor who will be doing the operation the nurse was very pleased with my loss of 8 k, but said that if I could lose more it would even better. So that is what I will be concentrating on for the next 6 months.

I can’t even believe what it would be like to be able to walk without my walker!!

So that will bring me to March 2019 (God willing) and then there will be rehab over April, May and June.

Maybe I will be able to go away for a shorter period in July/August and then there will be the conference in 2020.

Well, that is some sort of a plan.

Peter Halpin has been on to me about my web-site. It is very messy and disorganised, and I simply do not have the skills at this stage to properly fix it all up.

Peter says that when he is less busy he will spend some time with me working on it, and I would be so grateful for that.

In the meantime with my new Lists programs that I have set up I will include a list for “computing.”

I will spend time going over wordpress videos to teach myself how to improve my site.

At present I post everything on facebook and then at a later date, with all good intentions, I try to add the data to my web-site which of course, is all back to front, sigh!! It should be the other way around.

There is so much to learn. I have a series of WordPress tips that comes into my email inbox all the time, but I never seem to get the time to read them.

Well, that has to stop. Little and often is the key.

I know that I am more computer literate than most people my age, because I began using computers way back in 1980 when I was working at Barrett and Barrett Real Estate as a residential real estate salesperson.

The Barretts purchased 4 apple computers and told us we could use them.

The salespeople were all so paranoid about computers, believing they would “take over their jobs!! And they actually went on strike one day over it!!

Well, I loved them and used to go back to work at night to get time to use them.

I learned so much at that time, even learning basic programming and cobol.

But then the IBM computers came in and they didn’t allow easy access to the Back End of the computer and so my programming just seemed to drop off, and life took over.

But I have worked with computers ever since and so with the help of people like Darren Gore, Tim Colliver and Peter Halpin I have kept up as best I could.

But I always seem to be somehow behind the 8 ball, as they say, and I am never able to feel that I am competent and so I am so dependent on my computer-literate friends for my computer knowledge.

Well, today I am going to visit with my daughter Jesia in the morning and with Elle T in the afternoon.

I have set an alarm on my computer because I know me. I get wrapped up in doing something and then I simply FORGET my appointment schedule.

So I am at the Mediterranean working away right now, so I had better get on with it.

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