20181122 – Thursday – Midweek class

20181122 – Thursday – Midweek class.

My short-term memory is occasionally a problem for me. I read about it when I was studying Psychology at Adelaide university.

Apparently your mind can hold about 8 chunks of memory when you are young, maybe more, but as you age, your short-term memory drops back to maybe 5 or 6 chunks or less.

Also you can have specific things you tend to forget rather than other things.

I forget appointments, times. 

Last night I planned to go the Mid Week meeting at South Adelaide. 

I really wanted to go, but what happened, well just now, as I began to write my diary, I realised that I had forgotten to go last night.

This has happened to me about 3 or 4 times in the last 4 months!

And I am well aware that I am very blessed that I began writing a daily diary when I was a child, and have continued the practice for most of my life.

That is the reason I have retained such a good memory over the years. 

If I didn’t  keep a diary, each day would blur into the next, and I would soon lose my hold on reality.

And my friends. I am sure by now I would have forgotten most of them, because I would not recall their names and if that happens you very quickly lose touch with the people who own the names.

Instead of that, I have over 1000 friends on fb and I honestly know who they all are, and I generally remember their names.

I realise the value of memory. Your memory is WHO you are. 

If you don’t remember who you are, then it makes it difficult for your loved ones to retain YOU in memory as well.

Our memory, our brain is all that God retains of us when we die.

Our bodies moulder into dust, but if your name is written in God’s book of life, then your mind and your body, you flesh and bones, will one day be re-united.

We often hear that we only use 10% of our brains capacity. That we are capable of so much more.

God is economical, he doesn’t waste his resources, so he made our brains and our bodies so that they can last forever, once they are rid of that one ingredient, the BLOOD.

Our mortal life is in the BLOOD, and when we are made immortal, we will not be generated by blood but by the Spirit of God.

And then all the limitations of time, and space and matter will no longer apply to us. 

No more death and corruption, and of course, a perfect recall in our minds.

Our life matters to God, and that is the most amazing fact.

How could he possibly care for us?

How could he possibly LOVE us.

What a wonderful gift he has PROMISED us.

What a wonderful God HE IS!

And how glorious is HIS NAME in all the earth.

One day we will be in THE IMAGE and LIKENESS  of the God of the Universe.

Why? because he has written our names in his book of Life.

It is a gift, it is THE GIFT  of God.

TO US!!!!!!!

And since my body at this time is mortal and at present, still subject to degeneration to the dust of the earth, at least I can maintain it in some sort of order during my mortality.

So my “diet” for the week.

Darren: See u in a fortnight.

Fay: OK.

12 noon at 11.0 sugar level taken 1/2 hr after lunch.

Breakfast was at 9.20 am.

Just got home from INC.

Now going to bed for a rest.

1 egg and some avocado because I am hungry.

1.00 pm at 7.6 sugar level

Few nuts

1 tin fish, 1/4 avocado, few nuts, celery, few blueberries.

2.30 pm at 8.8 sugar level.

2 pieces of Apple.

3.24 pm at 10.8 sugar level.

20 Lantus

20 Novarapid

Fish, tomato, celery, cucumber, few berries.

3.52. Pm at 10.2 sugar level

4.35 pm at 8.7 sugar level

2 strawberries, 3 blueberries, few nuts.

6.25. Pm at 5.8 sugar level

1 egg, cucumber, avo, celery, tomato, 3 strawberries.

I am only eating small amounts of everything.

My theory is, “little and often.”

Darren: Yes, just keep testing 30 minutes after.

Fay: Because I am a sweet-tooth I am happy with smaller quantities if I can satisfy m need for sweetness.

Without the sweetness, I feel I need a larger quantity of food.

I reckon it might be the difference between a man and a woman! Between, me and you.

Just 2 strawberries tasted like heaven!

So what I am doing is cutting up a full plate of food for one meal, but then nibbling away at it over an hour or so.

Darren: Ah ha.

Fay: It is just my personality.

Darren: Yep.

Fay: Forgive me?

Darren: Lol, thee is nothing to be forgiven, y ou are trying your own way.

Fay: Yes, I guess so.

Your Mum sent a photo.

7.00 pm at 4.9 sugar level

8.16 pm at 5.8 sugar level.

1 egg, avo, tomato, celery few berries and few nuts.

9.27 pm at 7.1 sugar level

The Sind here is simply terrible tonight.

Bed time at 10.19 pm

Darren: Just landed in Darwin.

Can’t wait for bed.

Fay: Oh, have you just flown home?

I thought you went days ago.

Darren: Lol, Nope.

Fay: John King has a malignant tumour and  is just about to start 6 month’s chemo.

Just wish I could tell him to go no-carbs.

Darren: That’s no good.

Fay: No it isn’t, he is very sick.

Are u glad to be back home?

Darren: So so so good!

Fay: There is no place like home is there.

I will miss you, however.

Bed time at 12 pm.

21.`2 am at 7.5 sugar level

6.00 am at 9.0 sugar level.

Weight 96.4 kg.

Wake up at 6.00 am.

10 Lantus

10 Novarapid

Missing Meg.

8.53 am at 5.4 sugar level

Darren: Why don’t you give her a call and make and appointment to see her?

Fay: Trying.

Darren: Hey, Fay, Hayley made this into a smoothie this morning. 

Smoothie this morning. 

Celery, spinach cucumber coconut oil, almond ilk, LSA mix and chia seeds, 1/4 banana and a few blueberries.

Possible option for you.

Fay: Sounds good. What is LSA?

Darren: Linseed, sunflower and almonds ground up.

Fay: Where do I get it?

Darren: Supermarket. Health food section.

Fay: Thanks.

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