20190106 – Sunday – Berwick Showgrounds

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20190106 – Sunday – Berwick Showgrounds

I woke up  to another lovely day in my beautiful secluded spot within the Berwick Showgrounds. 

I packed my trailer up and soon was on the road again.

I found a Woolworths store and did my shopping. Some pork, beef and some Chinese port, then tomatoes, avocados, small cucumbers, mushrooms, capsicum, spinach leaves, grapes, strawberries, blue berries, walnuts. I think that was all. Anyway it cost me less than $50.

Then I went next door to a small cafe where I ordered breakfast, bacon and eggs, spinach, tomato and avocado and a large flat white coffee.

Then it was on to my destination, my daughters place at East Ringwood.

And there was my beautiful daughter and two of my grandchildren, darling Lara and Alex.

Jordan doesn’t live with Helen and Layne now he and my grandson Ethan are living in a house together with one other person.

It is so long since I saw Lara and she has grown so much and matured so much. 

How time flies.  I remember both of them so well when they were around 2 – 4 years old.

I miss those “little people” so much.

We spent the morning and afternoon sitting int he lounge and chatting and catching up on our stories.

I could not get over how Lara had somehow morphed into looking like my niece Mishael.

We searched my computer for photos of Mishael and Lara together, and she too, could see the likeness.

So Lara has some of my brother’s genes in her gene mix.

Helen loves this home that they are living in now so much.

She works a lot in the garden and is an avid housekeeper, and I noted, so is Lara.

She and Helen both clean things.

Well, they don’t take after me in that. 

I will did anything BUT clean house, if I can get away with it.

But then I am 80 at the end of this year, and my moving parts do not function as well as they used to do!

Helen did my washing and dried it all during the day, so I am all stocked up with clean clothes and towels etc.

I love my grandkids.

We talked a lot about Food.

It seems that Helen and Lara are into the Paleo way of eating too, and I am not surprised, because Lara’s skin is absolutely beautiful.

She is obviously doing something right.

Helen and Layne have a boy Jack staying with them at the moment.

He is a friend from Uni? or work, who is having a few family problems and has nowhere to stay at present.

Lara and Alex are going to the conference in Sydney and they have to leave tomorrow morning very early, and so they need to be up at 4.30 am.

I THINK Alex is going to the conference too, but I forgot to ask, so it may be just Lara who is going.

Ah I have just found out because Alex has emerged from is little bungalow at the back of  the house, so he is not  going to the Coference.

”To expensive,” he told me.

Alex little bungalow is wonderful, he has a bed and air conditioner a desk and computer and a small toilet and shower. What more could a young man want?

Alex will not be leaving home any time soon, I am sure.

Well, the need to be up early put an early end to our “socialising” and the whole household went to bed early.

I had parked my trailer out on the grass in front of the wall just down from Helen’s house and so I planned to sleep in my trailer while I am at Helen’s place.

I slept in that spot last time I was visiting Helen and Layne, and it is such a quiet street and it is a private spot.

Well, I had a wonderful sleep and packed everything up and I have been sitting on the lounge at the back of the house, watching Lara’s pet bunny’s antics.

I have had my breakfast and written up my diary, and all I need to do now is go inside and have a shower and clean me up and make me “respectable.”