20190123 – Wednesday – At last, clean out the trailer

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20190123 – Wednesday – At last clean out the trailer

One of the jobs I have been putting off since I got back from my travels is cleaning out the trailer.

The weather has been too hot, and the job too daunting for me.

But, today was the day.

It is not really such a big job, but it requires me to do things that I find I really don’t have the strength for.

I unzipped the zippers and opened the back window, and then bit by bit I pulled the mattress out of the bottom of the trailer. 

If I did it carefully enough, nothing would fall out onto the floor of the trailer.

I thought I had managed it, but then the tin of fly spray fell over the back of the mattress and onto the floor.

Ah, well.

I pushed the mattress back into the trailer and then sat on the tailgate and grasped the bars in the roof of the trailer, and hoisted myself inside. 

I slit to the back of the trailer and reached down and fished around until I found the tin and lifted it out.

Then I pulled the mattress out once more and lifted the duna and the blanket and everything that was on the mattress, out onto the ground.

I gathered everything up onto my walker and walked the distance back to my unit and put everything washable into the washing machine.

Then back to the trailer to clean everything up as best I could, finally zipping the window up again and gave a sigh of relief. 

That was done, that wasn’t too bad either.

Now all that remains is for me to get my car cleaned, but that can wait till tomorrow.

Little and often, is my motto, and that surely will get my life cleaned up.

One thing struck me, however. 

While I had been travelling I was much fitter and considerably more active.

Now that I was home again, I was spending too much time in bed, and so I was losing strength very rapidly.

If I want to stave off the effects of age, it was evident that I will have to become more active.

It has to be back to the aquatic centre for me (that’s the only exercise my brain will tolerate).

But before that It is trip to the Doctor to check all my vitals and see how I am doing.

Woe is me, I simply hate going to the doctor and will avoid it as much as possible.

But anyway, forget all of that for now. 

It is time for my favourite part of my days, my trip to the INC cafe.

There I can forget the “weakness of the flesh” and concentrate on writing and listening to the studies I so love.

Last night I listened to study 38 of Visions of the Kingdom.

I just loved it. There is so much to learn. I owe so much to Jim Dillingham for these studies.

I don’t like EVERYTHING he says, he sometimes annoys me a bit in the HOW he says things, but the material he has come up with is UNIQUE and I have not heard its like from anyone else in Christadelphia, and I often have had to listen to the same study over and again, to have any hope retaining the information in my head.  

There is soo much to learn.

It is so true that it is “The glory of God to conceal a thing and the honour of kings to search out a matter.” Prov 25v2

And that God gives ‘more’ to those with seeing eyes and hearing ears, and simultaneously takes away from those who do not have those same seeing eyes and hearing ears.

In these last few years of my life I have learned more than in my whole previous life-time.

But that, of course, is because I have more time on my hands to devote to Bible study and because we have such technology that enables us access to that very same knowledge.

But, I so want Jesus to come soon. 

I want to be among those who are blessed with “being alive and remain,” when he does.

What a shame to be part of “the last generation” and yet not to actually SEE and HEAR and OBSERVE all the wonders that will happen when he does return.

And yet, I know that  God says, 

“Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord! 

To what end is it for you?” He says, 

“the day of the3 Lord is darkness, and not light.  

As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him. 

Shall not the day of the Lord be darkness, and not light? Even very dark, and no brightness in it? Amos 5v18-20

I know what sort of a day it is going to be, but surely that is to those who are classed as “The Wicked” and NOT to those “who love his appearing.”

So I await the day of the Lord, hoping that I will be there to see it, maybe in my 80th year!