20190212 – Tuesday, Bizy Bee

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20190212 – Tuesday – Books

The owner of the house knocked at the door this morning. 

He had come to pick up any rubbish we had accumulated since beginning our stay in his house.

This was so good, because I had just begun to wonder where I would put the rubbish in the bin.

I handed the rubbish over and he handed me a beautiful bag of fresh organic vegetables from his garden, as well as some fresh duck eggs.


I like this place so much.

So Selena had recommended that I read the book “Breaking the habit of being yourself,” by Joe Dispenza.

I began to read. It was a thick book, and I didn’t really WANT to read it, which makes it even harder to read, but I decided I WOULD read it, but then I had a problem.

Since I had my stroke, I have lost eyesight in the lower part of both eyes.

The effect of this, is that I now have to run my eyes ALONG each line, instead of being able to read by taking “fixations” a couple of times along each line.

Effectively, this makes it hard for me to read sub-titles on movies, and has slowed my reading down dramatically and made it less pleasant or rewarding to read.

I realise now that I have done very little reading over latter years, and so from being a prolific reader I have gone down to almost nothing.

Computers help, because I can reduce the text down to one narrow column and can then read down, line by line.

But books? No.

So I decided I needed to BUY the book and get an audible version.

I found it on Amazon, but then found I could not seem to BUY the book.

I soon found about why. 

Since I had last purchased books on kindle or Amazon, Google had purchased Amazon and Kindle, and now I had to be a member and pay a monthly membership fee for the privilege, and not a small one either, it is $16+ per month.

OK, so if I wanted to READ/LISTEN to this book, I would have to take out a membership.

So I did, and downloaded “Audible,” and then purchased the book and downloaded it to my iPad.

I started listening, and lay down on the couch to do so.

In not time at all, I was sitting up again, realising that if I wanted to read this book I wanted to read It only ONCE to get the information from it, so some form of note taking would be necessary.

I went back to the beginning of the book on Audible and then used the program I use for transcribing and listened and took notes at the same time.

I will work away like this and will get through the book in a fraction of the time that I would have done if I had just tried to read the hard copy of the book.

And I will end up with valuable notes as I go.

I got through 44 minutes of its reading time of 10 1/2 hours, so at this rate I will be able to read the book and take good notes and should easily finish it  whilst I am in Tasmania.

I will then cut and paste my notes into a document and lightly edit it and have a good workable summary of the book by doing it this way.

I wish I had the skills I have now, when I was going through University.

So I might as well, summarise the pages I have read and put them in this post, to give you the benefit of my “reading.”

“Breaking the habit of being yourself,” by Joe Dispenza.

You can change who you are.

Your inner world and your outer world need to become one. 

When “how you appear” and “who you really are” become the same, then you are truly free.

Then comes mastering your environment.

When you first learned to drive, driving was achieved through a series of steps. 

When you have thoroughly learned to drive, this series of steps becomes automatic.

So when you begin to do the uncommon, you will become empowered, but first you must gain the right knowledge before it will begin to change your life.

Practice is needed before mind and body can begin to work together.

It is necessary first to break your bad habits, to “break the habit of being yourself.”

Part 1,

The science of you, and the quantum you.

Matter and energy are NOT separate, we are part of an invisible field of energy.

At some time or another we will have asked ourselves the question “Can I use my mind to create a new reality? 

Can I become who I want to be, get rid of the negatives of the past?

And in our minds we envisage our ideal self. 

But, our past efforts to make a better version of self have failed, dismally.

And maybe you have not realised that your thoughts CREATE your reality and thus we can by our thoughts, create a new Reality.

Our thoughts produce tangible changes in our lives and so instead of obsessing about the failures of the past maybe we can produce a new interpretation of what is real and what is true.

Is it possible to create your own desired destiny?

I teach this in “The nature of reality, 101.” 

It is possible that your thoughts can create your destiny, but you will need some fundamental shifts in your understanding before this can be achieved.

We used to think mind and matter were separate things, but this is not true.

Human beings believed that they could determine and calculate, because the world operated in an orderly way.

All things were considered solid, but now the Scientific discoveries of the greats of our time have shown that energy is much more than that, and that matter and energy are completely interchangeable. 

In the past we have considered ourselves to be “Victims,” always being “acted upon.”

And then came Quantum Physics, and we have learned that waves/energy and particles are interchangeable.

Light for instance, sometimes behaves like a wave AND a particle.

Everything physical in your life is not SOLID, and there are no boundaries to time and space, and the sub-atomic world is unique, and matter exists as a momentary phenomenon.

Where do particles go when they vanish into thin air?

We have discovered that the person observing a phenomenon affects the behaviour of the energy and matter of that phenomenon.

This is called “the Observer effect,” and thus mind and matter can no longer be considered separate.

How would your life change if you learned to direct the “observer effect?”

In the sub-atomic level, in their wave-state, when they are observed, they exist everywhere and nowhere until they are observed.

And thus there is the infinite possibility of a number of realities waiting to be observed by you.

The quantum field may contains a field where you are healthy and happy and everything you want to be, waves of probability, shaped by consciousness.

Mind and matter are completely entangled and have an effect on energy/matter.

We can make waves of energy manifest into events in our lives, if you sharpen your skills of observation, you may become the idealised version of yourself.

You have an energy pattern, a signature.

You are a consciousness using the body to express itself.

We are all connected beyond space and time

The you that exists in a probable future is already existing in the past.


Prayers affect present and future and past, and all these potentials exist simultaneously

When we talk about a state of being and state of mind, the body is included in this.

Our thoughts Are energy, and our thoughts and feelings influence matter.

In tests, when we have negative emotions our heart becomes erratic and disorganised

In tests the DNA of subjects weew able to be wound and unwound, but only when heightened emotions and clear intentions work together.

Only when those two are aligned. 

It responds to who we are “being,’ that is, what we are ”broadcasting” on a daily basis.

If you change your state of feeling then the matching “event” will find you.

If you think, feel and act in new ways, you can create a new state of mind and you will create for yourself a new electromagnetic “signature.”

As long as your electromagnetic “signature” doesn’t change, nothing changes. 

You have to break the habit of being yourself and reinvent a new self. This means that when you pray, you must believe that you already have what you are praying for.. 

You must have clear focused thoughts about your purpose

If the mind is in opposition to the body change is not possible.

To change our reality, those outcomes have to “surprise” us in the way in which they come about, they must “catch us off guard,” and leave us with no doubt that our consciousness was a quantum “surprise.”

If you change your internal environment you will see that your environment is changed by your efforts.

Getting your head around this is the biggest hurdle for people to overcome in understanding these concepts.

Expect the unexpected

Hold a clear intention of what you want, then leave the  “how’ detail to the unpredictable quantum field.

This is the biggest hurdle for most to over come, because we human beings always want to control a future by trying to recreate how it occurred in a past reality.

End page 25/308


After noting this, I actually LEFT the house and walked the 5 minutes (so my GPS said) to Bizy Bee coffee place.

Here I had a couple of coffees, and commenced writing up this post.

Then at 4.20 I began he walk back home, finding I needed to stop and sit in my seat every now and then.

I am soo unfit.

Still I was the better for my walk in the sun, and it is simply great that the Bizy Bee can be my “destination” each day, where I can recover for the 5 minutes or so of my walk home.

I am really pleased with my finally getting back on Audible and being able to buy books.

I feel it will be worth the money, now that I won’t be watching Netflix, I can fill my time by reading good books and taking notes as well.