20190319 – Tuesday – Henley Square with Don and Lois

This is not Henley Square but it is a beach scene that I took one morning.

20190319 – Tuesday – Henley Square with Don and Lois

This morning Don and Lois M picked me up and took me for a coffee to Henley Square at Henley Beach.

We parked in the 3 hour car park by Henley Jetty and I learned something that I never knew before.

Don said that if you have a disability pass you can park for up to 6 hours in a car park marked 3 hour limit.

I thought you could only have an extra 1/2 hour in a carpark with disability parking, but Don says that he and Lois have tested it in the city, and they have never received a parking fine yet.

Well that is something to know, if it is correct.

It would mean that when I go to the hospital on 21st we could leave the car in the one carpark for the whole time I am being tested in the hospital.

I guess I will need to ring up to find out for sure.

We walked first of all to the old Evida restaurant to see if the new cafe was open yet, but although there were people working inside, the restaurant was not yet open.

The alterations to Evida and the Square cost in the vicinity of $8+ m, but I can’t see that anything is that much different to have made much of a difference. 

The council has altered the square so many times already without much effect in my opinion.

But then, that is only my opinion.

It is a beautiful day today and the view of the Jetty and the sea was simply a delight today.

But it was very noisy in the square and it made conversation very difficult for us. 

Eventually we packed ourselves up and Don and Lois drove me home and said “goodbye” and went on their way.

Unfortunately I forgot to take some photos.

When I got home I sat in the chair Peter Schwartzkoppf gave me with the small desk attached and I worked away there on my computer.

I will have to come out here and work more often, because it is very pleasant here, just enough sunlight and breeze and a very comfortable seat.

Jeff came down and brought my mail, and so I received the account for the cost of my new handrails in the bathroom, $40, which is not too bad at all really.

I have also received my book of Taxi vouchers, so now I will be able to go short distances by taxi and it will not cost me very much at all per trip.

I am getting the hang of this being “without wheels” and I am coping quite well, I think.

Jeff is going to take me out grocery shopping later in the afternoon, because I am quite run out of food.

It pains Jeff that I pay $13 – $15 when I order my grocers online for Woolworths to deliver to my home.

But I would rather order on-line than actually go shopping, but today I will, because I am completely run out of everything.

I have been posting in West Tamar Family’s facebook page because It grieves me that there are so many people in Tasmania who are no longer a member of any ecclesia in Tasmania.

I would love to see them organise themselves again into a small ecclesia.

I would love them to forget the pain of past difficulties and group together and form a new worship group around the word of God.

“Where two or three are gathered together

I am hoping that others will post in West Tamar family’s page and encourage all those who were members of the West Tamar Family, so that they know that there are those who love them.

They have the prayers of many over here, and we hope that their love will not be allowed to grow cold.

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