20190327 – Wednesday – Preparing for my Operation

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20190327 – Wednesday – Preparing for op

Today I decided it was time to read all the multitude of documents I have received from the Hospital about my operation.

So I prepared a list of things to do and to bring.

I found there was one item I did not have, a pair of slippers with backs in them and with no-slip soles.

I searched through the conglomeration of shoes in my wardrobe, using the occasion to discard most of my old shoes, but NO SLIPPERS.

I simply don’t wear them.

I messaged my Melbourne daughter and asked if she WAS coming and to Adelaide and if so, could she buy for me a pair of suitable slippers.

The answer was YES to both questions and I was soo glad.

My darling daughter will be such a help and a comfort to me.

Well, I completed my list and found that there was really little to do (why do they make it all seem so hard and onerous).

So today is Wednesday and so it will be South Adelaide’s class tonight, so I had better prepare for that too.

I think the reading is 1 Cor 8.

I wrote a post to the West Tamar family website, encouraging them to re-form and gather together around the word of God once more.

I met some of these lovely people when I was in Tassie, but they have become discouraged and have ceased meeting and I am asking them to re-bond and come together as a body once more.

Since I dont’ get out much without my license, I don’g Seem to take any photos so I will just have to use old past ones to brighten up my posts.