Category: MY BLOGS

20160303 – Thursday – Hay is hot!

Hay is hot! Even in my trailer which cools down generally pretty quickly it was so hot last night. I was parked beside a building which had given solid shade during the afternoon and evening. For dinner I just opened a small tin of baked beans and one of spaghetti, ate some Ryvita biscuits with […]

20160302 – Wednesday – Leaving Pinnaroo

I liked this sign on this farm. It is a bit how my day has gone today. I have had trouble with my GPS and battery charger and such, so everything seems to have been a bit of “hit AND Miss! I woke up at 5:30 and finally got dressed at about 6 o’clock. I […]

20160216 – Tuesday – Family Holiday for my 80th

Today my daughter Deb from WA rang me. I was sitting in Rosie’s cafe when I received her call. We had a great long chat. It was peaceful in the cafe and outside the sun was shining and I could see across Henley Beach Road to the grounds of Henley High School where some of […]

20160216 – Tuesday – My Dad’s hair

It is 1.30 am and I can’t sleep, so I do what I usually do when I can’t sleep. I get up and sit down at my trusty computer and “think out loud.” Yesterday, as you know, I had my little “grizzle” on my web site and received lots of words of kindness and comfort […]

20160215 – The light of the body is the eye

It is the 15th February, 2016 and I am having an “off” day. I don’t “grizzle” very often, but I feel like doing it today. In 2008 I had a stroke and for some years after that I did not  “travel” too well. This last year, however,  has been very much on the up-and-up, but […]

20160206 – Saturday – Short-term memory

Friday morning I visited Don and Una Strempel for a pre-arranged breakfast with them. Don and Una both looked really good which made me very happy because Don had just spent a day or two in hospital and Una had had a throat infection, but now both were well again. We chatted about their time […]