20160303 – Thursday – Hay is hot!

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Some old farm equipment

Some old farm equipment

Hay is hot! Even in my trailer which cools down generally pretty quickly it was so hot last night. I was parked beside a building which had given solid shade during the afternoon and evening. For dinner I just opened a small tin of baked beans and one of spaghetti, ate some Ryvita biscuits with tomato, ate a banana and had s drink of water and that was that. I was so tired I just fell into bed. I didn’t watch a movie in the end I was just too tired.

I got out of the trailer during the night and sat outside for a while and looked up at the sky and the stars and the moon and once again thought “How could people look at the heavens and not believe that there is a God?”

In the morning I woke up, got dressed, and had my trailer packed in just a few minutes. When I took my trailer to NSW last year I took too much stuff: this time I made my trailer to be just my bed and put everything else in the car. I took a lot less this time as well.

I get dressed in the trailer in the morningand then put everything that needs to go in the car on the shelf in the trailer. I tidy up the bed then put my things in the car. Finally put the chair and the box inside the trailer, put up the tailgate and zip up the sides of the canvas top, and that’s pretty well it.

I drove on to Goolgowie, filled up with petrol and then went into the cafe and had breakfast.I then drove on towards West Wyalong. I had a couple of naps on the way. I decided to go as far as Bathurst and when I got there I checked in at the Showgrounds at a cost of $20. I had a shower wash my hair had my dinner and now I’m in my trailer ready to watch Downton Abbey good night everyone.