Chapter 8 – The Cherubim – In Exodus by Fay Berry

Henry Sulley’s “Temple of Ezekiel’s Prophecy,” This is like the Cherubim, ie. the towers on the outside are like the four living creatures, the circle in the middle is like the 24 elders and the centre is like the throne of God where the “man on the throne” is and the sacrifice is the “lamb as it had been slain,” the floor of it all, the flat area is like the firmament like sapphire and a sea of glass. Well, that’s how I see it anyway, and over it all a rainbow and a cloud covering all. (I actually don’t think this picture is correct with the altar in the centre. I think that is where the throne should be, like the Cherubim is described in Ezekiel, but we will see what I think/discover when we get to that later on).
On Moses’ 5th ascent to the the top of the mountain, God commanded him to bring with him Nadab and Abihu and 70 of the elders of Israel and they were instructed to “worship afar off.” At the top of the mountain they could see Michael the Archangel “standing upon a paved work of sapphire stone, as it were the body of heaven in his clearness,” (Ex 24:10). This is part of the description of the Cherubim as it is described in Ezekiel 1:26, and is the “firmament” upon which there was “the likeness of a throne” upon which was the “likeness of a man” upon the throne. And Nadab and Abihu and the 70 elders “saw God and did eat and drink,” (Ex 24:11) and God “laid not his hand” on them to do them any harm.
Moses took Joshua with him part of the way up the mountain but it was Moses alone who came near to the Lord and was given the “tables of stone , and a law and commandments, written by God that Moses might teach the children of Israel,” (Ex 24:1-2; 12-13).
The Cherubim is the “glory of the Lord,” which abode upon mount Sinai, and the cloud, which throughout the Bible represent the prayers of the saints, “covered the mount for six days,” and even with the cloud covering the top of the mountain, the “sight of the glory of the Lord was like a devouring fire on the top of the mount in the eyes of the children of Israel,” (Ex 24:16-17).
On the seventh day God called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud.” Moses had remained outside the cloud that was over the Cherubim until the seventh day. Then the Angel of God called him from within the Cherubim and invited him to come into the midst of the cloud which was over the Cherubim and he was there with the angel of God for forty days and forty nights. The seven days that Moses spent on the mountain outside of the cloud plus the 40 day period that he spent within the cloud, on the ‘day for a year’ principle, adds up to 47 days, or 47 years. This is just 3 years less than a Jubilee period of 50 years.
If Neville Clark is correct in his studies on the book of Revelation, that “if Jesus were to return to the earth TODAY, then it would be most likely 50 years from “today” until the commencement of the millennium and the inauguration of the “House of prayer for all nations,” then this 50 years could be representative of that 50 year period before the beginning of the Millennium when Jesus Christ will reign over the whole earth in the Kingdom of his Father.
This also fits in well with Neville Clark’s claim that 30% of the book of Revelation is to be fulfilled in the first 50 years after the Return of Christ.The period of 7 days that Moses spent on the mount outside the “cloud” would be like the period that would include the Judgment seat, the Marriage of the Lamb and the Marriage feast of the Lamb. Then Moses enters into the “cloud” and becomes a part of the Cherubim, which is Yahweh of hosts, or armies, and the forty days/years after that would be representative of the years spent cleansing the world of the influence of “the beast,” false religion and the establishment of Jesus Christ’s rule in Jerusalem where God’s “House of Prayer for all nations” becomes a reality.
The pattern for this future glorious kingdom is then described in Exod 25:8-9 where it speaks about the sanctuary of God where God would “dwell among them, v 8 and it also describes the ark of the covenant and gives the pattern of the Cherubim and the mercy seat where God will commune with man as Moses was doing on the mountain of God, right now. “And see to it that you make them according to the pattern which was shown you on the mountain,”(Ex 25:40). Everything about the sanctuary was to be “Holiness to the Lord,” (Ex 28:36) and it was to be “a statute for ever unto Aaron and his seed after him,” Ex 28:43). “God will dwell among the children of Israel, and will be their God,” (Ex 29:45). “And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone written with the finger of God,” (Ex 31:18).