20160321 – Monday – Podiatry, Meg Clothier

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Liz Colliver

Liz Colliver and Oz


Immediately after I arrived home from my travels, I called in to see my friend Tim Colliver for him to have a look at my computer and to hopefully fix all the problems that I have had while I was away. In no time at all the problems were fixed. What a help he  has been to me over the years.

I had a podiatry appointment booked for today so I rang Meg Clothier, and arrange to meet her at the little coffee shop not far from where Resthaven is where I have my podiatry appointment. I met Meg there and we had coffee and our usual chat.

Meg asked me if I would like to go with her to the movies tomorrow around about 2 o’clock to see the film ‘The lady in the van.’ She thought that movie might be relevant to me since I travel in my little trailer.

While we were having coffee, Kate Daniels rang Meg and so Meg left to go and catch up with Kate.

I stayed on and did some work because I was early for my podiatry appointment. But then I could not believe it, I forgot my appointment! When I finally woke up to the fact that I had missed it, I rang them and they told me to come in anyway.

It was 4 o’clock before I was able to get in to see my podiatrist. Then Meg SMSed me to say that she was minding Ever tomorrow and would not be able to go with me to the movies.

I decided that I would go to see the movie myself this afternoon. I saw “The Lady in the Van.” It was kind of weird but interesting. It was about this writer who lived in a house on a street somewhere in England. He had a driveway but no car. He ends up having this eccentric old woman living in a van in his driveway. Over time he discovers that she was once a famous pianist and so has fallen from a lofty position in society to an near “homeless” old woman, living in a van, parking here and there in the surrounding streets until she is moved on. He lets her put her van in his driveway and she is there for some 15 or so years until she dies. It left me with a cold and wistful feeling about how circumstance can change one’s life so drastically.The movie was kind of weird and not really related to me in my trailer at all but it it was interesting anyway. What it did show me is that people can end up homeless regardless of their intelligence or their current ‘status’ in life.  The twists and turns of circumstance can put them there.

I worked on Revelation and put that up on fb and then in the afternoon I was so tired that I went back home and went to sleep for an hour

At 6.00 pm I went to the Rostrum Club. This was the night I was to be inducted into the club. They asked me if I wished to be inducted, and I said that I did, with some proviso’s. I said that I did not want to do anything except turn up on the night, listen to everyone’s talk, give one myself, if required, but I did not want to be chairman, or secretary, or hold any office whatsoever I said that the only time I had available and was prepared to input was just on the actual night of Rostrum Club’s meetings. They all discussed this and the chairman read the “rules” out which said that all members had to be prepared to take office and participate in all aspects of the club. I said that that was all right by me, that I was prepared to remain a “permanent visitor to the club.” In the end someone read that individual meetings were autonomous and they could change any of the rules for their individual club meetings. So I was in. They asked me did I have any preferences of subjects I would like to speak about and was I prepared to take “impromptu” slots. I said that I was. So that was that. They are an interesting bunch of people and they speak on a wide range of subjects and I really enjoy listening to their stories and anecdotes.

I didn’t sleep very well last night so I watched an episode of Downton Abbey and then got up and went to Vili’s to do some work on transcribing of the  lectures that Neville Clark gave on Revelation.