20181202 – Sunday – Flaxley

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20181202 – Sunday –  Flaxley

I have so enjoyed today.

It was the monthly meeting at Mark and Chris Clothier’s place at Flaxley.

It is such a pleasant drive up through the hills, past Meadows and on to Flaxley.

I took photos along the way and then drove into their driveway and was greeted by a bevy of their dogs and sat on the veranda and enjoyed the view for 15 minutes or so.

Then inside for a cup of tea. 

Gaynor M arrived first and I sat and chatted with her for a while.

Then one by one everyone turned up and we sat around the large dining table drinking coffee and enjoying each other’s company.

Amos D and David B arrived and shortly after Kate D also turned up. 

Amos D looks so like his 2 brothers, you can tell they all originate from the same mold. 

I asked David B who his ancestor’s were and very soon worked out that the brother of his G.Grandfather was my parent’s best man at their wedding!! Which made him almost a relative of mine.

It is pretty sad when the only way I can work out who a person is, is by asking them who their g.grandparents are.  I am sooo old!!

We watched a video o of one of Adelaide’s exhortations given by Daniel E about the Passover of Hezekiah. 

It was a good exhort and very though provoking.

We had discussion about the exhort and then took the emblems.

And then came lunch. I ate salad and chicken, and if I had stuck to that it would have been okay, but my will power failed me, and I ate some of the various meat dishes that were there.

Not a good idea.

As I drove home I could FEEL that I should not have eaten what i did.

Eventually I stopped at MacDonald’s to use the loo, but could not.

My first constipation since 12th October when I commenced this diet! Sigh. When WILL I learn.

Any straying from my strict diet of NO CARBS has instant effect these days.

So, no more food for me for the rest of the day, just drinks water and let time pass.

My diet

Saturday1st December 2018

Wakeup at 9 am

Went to Inc Cafe

Breakfast chop and chicken abo mushroom celery carrot tomato few grapes

Lunch chop avo tomato mushroom celery cucumber

Went home

Dinner same as lunch

12.6 sugar level at 9 pm

20 Lantus

20 Novarapid

Bedtime 9 pm


1.09 pm at 9.2 sugar level 

7.40 am at 9.9 sugar level

10 Lantus 

Wakeup at 7.40 am

Weight 95.3 kg