20181124 – Saturday – health
Last night I received and email from my friend Jim D, who writes “Visions of the Kingdom Age,” and who has become a very dear facebook friend of mine.
I had been worried about his health recently and so I had written to him about the
film The Magic Pill which had so changed my view on “healthy living.”
He wrote:
Hi Fay
I watched the documentary you suggested. It is very compelling. I have taken your advice and we are changing our diet to dramaticlly less carbs and more of a ketogenic diet. I believe this is what my oldest daughter, now in Ohio, has been doing and she has reportedly lost 40 pounds so far.
And so you can imagine how much pleasure this email has given me, because I want my friends to be healthy, AND to keep writing his wonderful series from which I have learned so very much.
And yet, how often do we hesitate to pass on information that we receive, worrying about whether we are “pushing” or views on others.
It is like receiving the Word of God. We are always not to talk about Politics or Religion because they are such controversial subjects. Yet if we LOVE our friends and our families, religion, or at least the Word of God is what we should be talking about to our friends and family IF we truly love them.
Think of it, we have been offered ETERNAL life. Who wouldn’t want to be able to give THAT to our friends.
Yet we pussy-foot around the subject and hold back in case they don’t want to hear about the promises to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob.
Don’t we want to see our family and friends in God’s kingdom??
And so we should forget our fears, and tell them anyway.
Because there is no greater way for us to show ou love to them than to give them the HOPE OF ISRAEL.
I thought about the post I put up for my friend Darren about our “destruction of the earth” in our use and abuse of plastics.
Facebook somehow noted the content of my post and asked me if I wanted to add a button for people to be able to donate to a charity of their choice, and listed the various charities in existence.
I looked at them all, and realised how hopeless is the task of “healing” our planet.
It has gone too far and any donations will be just “tokens” or our care for the planet.
You can say, “every penny counts,” but we ALL know that it really doesn’t, that there is no hope for this planet WITHOUT God.
So it is such a comfort to know that sin and death can ONLY reign for 6,000 years on our planet.
That Jesus WILL return at the beginning of the 7th millennium, and this wonderful earth of ours WILL be rejuvenated and restored to its pristine beauty of Garden of Eden days, when man and woman “were naked and knew no shame.”
We are so close now! So very close. You can feel it in the air, you can touch it and taste it.
We ARE the last generation, we will SEE the kingdom in the land of the living.
But it will take a great earthquake to undo what we have done to the earth.
That Rift Valley than runs through the earth will split apart and it will be like God putting a spade in the soil of our planet and turning over the diseased soil and cleansing everything.
And what will SAVE us from death at that time? Only our memory, our Name which is God’s name, written in His book of life.
Oh, how I pray that my name will be there, and so will yours, my very dear friends.
I want us all to be there, and I want to spend the first 10 years of eternity searching out and finding my beloved friends, all of you, whom I value so much.
Amen and Amen.
So to mundane things, my diet for this earthly body, just hopefully to keep me alive for another one or two years until he comes.
My curiosity makes me want to be there, WHEN he comes.
Fay: Sent daily form to you Darren.
Darren: you need to be taking your insulin to get in to that 4-7 range.
6.33 pm at 8.1 sugar level.
Is this ok? Without insulin??
Darren: That is good, but still needs to be under 7, so I would take maybe 10 units more.
Fay: I’m no home at the moment, I am visiting with your Mum and Dad and the whole rest of your family who are all here.
11.05 pm at 12.7 sugar level.
20 Lantus
20 Novarapid
I was eating nuts whilst I was at your Mum’s so I suppose I ate too many!
Jason took my blood pressure and it is VERY high.
Darren: lol, Maybe just a few too many, aye?
Fay; Wonder whether it will go down as I progress?
But I feel great.
And it is almost midnight and home now and eyesight good and not really tired.
All your family were at Ali’s tonight.
Savvy has been in hospital and removed three teeth with weak enamel.
Darren: Is she ok?
Fay: 4.10 am at 5.7 sugar level.
Yes, she was fine.
She was home with everyone and running around.
I received this email tonight from Jim D from Rhode Island. He said:
Hi Fay,
I watched the documentary you suggested.
It is very compelling.
I have taken your advice and we are changing our diet to dramatically less carbs and more of a ketogenic diet.
I believe this is what my oldest daughter, now in Ohio, has been doing and she has reportedly lost 40 pounds so far.
This was his email to me, and I wrote back:
Oh, Jim, I am so glad.
I have lost 11 kg so far and my health has improved out of sight.
The key is NO CARBS or few, if you can managed it and small amounts of food.
I live on eggs, fish and meat, fried i coconut oil.
And avocados, tomatoes,cucumber, spinach and celery and other vegetables.
No sweet potato or potato or pasta or rice or legumes of any sort which are full of carbs.
That is my diet and it is so simple and easy to follow.
If all the weight you carry is in your tummy area, then even if you don’t have diabetes, you WILL be insulin resistant.
That is why NO CARBS will be good for you.
I want you to keep on writing so you need to be healthy.
I think you are converting the world, Darren!!
6.23 am at 7.3 sugar level
Darren: Nice work and well said.
And it is grea to see those levels staying down between 4 and 7.
I keep forgetting, are you type 1 or type 2 diabetic?
Fay: 8.33 am at 9.00 sugar level
10 Lantus
10 Novarapid.
Type 2. It will be interesting to see whether I ever manage to produce insulin again?
Wake up at 8.30 am on Saturday 24th November 2018.
Darren: Yes, I agree. Be interesting to see after a couple more weeks at the body staying between that targeted 4 and 7 how it will react and how much insulin required to keep you there.
Fay: You know, that post I put up for you about pollution, it got added a button to donate to charities and then came a message that I was being investigated for tax fraud!!
I thought facebook had put the button there.
Darren: lol. Just ignore any message.
Fay: I just thought it funny!
We are being spied on all the time.