– Wednesday – Thursday – South Adelaide midweek class and Flinders for pre-op meeting.
Wednesday I did not feel well.
I don’t know why, but I didn’t stir until 11.00 in the morning and ended up staying in bed all day.
I think it was a change in my diet.
I had pretty well run out of food by Tuesday, pension day, and I had been eating the last of everting and so I wasn’t eating a balanced diet.
I was eating a lot of sweet stuff, grapes and banana and dates and not a lot of vegetables and too many eggs and protein.
Anyway, what ever it was, I did not feel well.
I stayed in bed until it was time to go to the midweek class.
I was slow and lethargic and was not walking well.
The class was very interesting.
1 Cor 7 was the reading for the night and we found we all had a variety of views on that chapter which evoked some lively conversation.
Towards the end of the evening I was feeling very tired, and I was a bit worried because it was my Flinders appointments for the next day and I WANTED to be well for those.
20190321 – Thursday – I woke to my alarm at 6.30 and was glad I did, because when I looked at all the forms I had to take with me, I found that there was a huge questionnaire I was supposed to fill in.
It took mo some time to complete this and it covered all aspects of my health and relevant medical information.
Jeff annoyed me because he was late getting ready and I was afraid we would be late to get to Flinders because of the traffic.
And then to make up time he drove very hard and just on the speed limit along back streets to get to Flinders by 9.00.
But we made it in time and I went into the pre-admission area.
I went to have Xrays done first.
These were actually quite painful, because I had to stand pigeon toed in an uncomfortable position while some of the xrays were taken.
It was completed at last and then I had to go to the “second waiting are” for the next part of the process.
This was to take my blood and when that was completed, back to the second waiting area for appointments with the physiotherapist and the occupational therapist.
At this appointment I was asked a whole lot of stuff about access to my unit and levels of floors etc.
I was told I would need to hire a special chair with arm rests where I would have to sit to accomplish various post operative tasks I would need to perform.
Then it was on to my next appointment with an anaesthetist, a surgical doctor and a nurse.
The anaesthetist told me that there were a number of choices I could make about being anaesthetised.
I could have a full anaesthetic if I chose or a spinal block which would numb the whole of my lower body but would not need anaesthetic.
This could be accompanied with a mild anaesthetic if I chose.
If I took this option I would not have danger of loss of some of my faculties which could happen with a full anaesthetic.
I chose the Spinal block and no anaesthetic.
I NEED all my faculties and I am not about to do anything that would jeopardise that.
I told the nurse I wanted a diet that contained no carbs because I need to keep my sugar levels down during and after the operation.
So it was about 2 pm when it was all finished and I was able to go home.
I was SOO glad to have today behind me, and when I got home I went to bed to recover.
Tomorrow I have someone coming to clean my unit, so I have to be ready for her by 8.30 am.
I didn’t take any photos, I was too occupied with everything to even think bout it, so the photo is one taken of my daughter and Michelle that I saw on facebook today.