20190723 – Tuesday -physio

20100722-Monday- Scoots

Today I walked down to the shops which is quite a long way for me these days.

I went to Scoots cafe and ordered a flat white. 

At one table there was a was a group of pensioners sitting chatting together.

I would say they are one of those clubs you find on Facebook these days that connect neighbours together.

Every day they gather here at Scoots and keep each other company. 

It is the baby boomer generation. 

I am one of the early baby boomers because I was born in 1939 right at the start of the Second World War.

After the war so many children were born.

I remember that when our family lived at 12 Kenilworth road Parkside, the whole neighborhood was full of children.

On a Saturday you could look up and our street and it was “wall to wall” children, playing football and cricket and cars had to pick their way along between the children.

All those big old cars with their running boards and the big wheels.

Thinking back over those days of yore I remember that no one was fat in those days, everyone was thin.

These days the opposite is the case, everyone is fat!

My mother was quite plump but I was very proud of her because all the children loved that she was ‘cuddly’ whereas their mothers were all skinny. 

How values do change. 

When shopping if a child played up and a mother didn’t discipline it, everyone would glare at the offending mother. 

BUT these days if a child plays up and a mother tries to discipline said child everyone glares at the mother doing the disciplining!!

Even behavioural fashions change!

Today I am going to the QEH for a session with the physio, that is if Jeff is well enough to take me. 

If he isn’t I will cancel. 

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