The Blacksmith’s Daughter – Chapter 16
The exchange of students between Unley High School and University High School Melbourne 1955 was an event in our school year that was looked forward to with great anticipation and for me even more so because I was having a Christadelphian girl, Judy McKinlay as my billet. At the same time as the Unley High School boys were on their way to Melbourne, so the Melbourne girls were travelling to Adelaide and this meant that I had to make two trips to the Adelaide Railway station, one to say “Goodbye” to our boys and the other to say “Hello” to our Melbourne billets.
Ater the Student Exchange there was a short break for the holidays and then the second Term saw a new Headmaster at Unley High School. It was becoming apparent, to others if not to me, that my studies were not being very successful. It was a crucial term for me because I was beginning to realise that there was a definite possibility that time was running out for me to have any hope of getting my Leaving Certificate at the end of the year. It just seemed never to occur to me that I had enrolled in the “wrong course” for my few talents. I should have gone for an Arts Degree, and not taken a Commercial direction. I never really did work this out I am afraid until many years later.
19550426 Tuesday – I missed the Softball Practice this morning but Miss Tomlinson was not there so it didn’t matter. If we beat Melbourne it will be a surprise. In bookkeeping I was sitting next to Jill Back and I asked her if she was having a Melbourne girl to stay with her. She told me she wasn’t, but said that I was having a Renata M to stay with me. I could have screamed I didn’t want to have Renate, the girl I stayed with in Melbourne last year, to stay with me this year. I had hoped to have someone different. I decided to see Miss Grosvenor about it, to see if she could change it for me.
At recess time I went to her room just as she was coming out. I asked her if she had the list of Melbourne girls yet (as if I didn’t know). Miss Grosvenor smiled her usual sickly smile and told me that she believed she had heard my name among them on the list but that Miss Dunn had the list. Was I relieved, I knew that I could talk Miss Dunn around. When I went to her room she saw me and brought out the list and said that there was a girl who had asked to stay with me (I groaned). It was a Renate Morris she said (another groan). “There is also a girl who is a Christadelphian” she told me “but Miss Dunn would like you to have hockey girl to stay with you, and this girl doesn’t play hockey.” It didn’t take me long to tell her that I wanted the Christadelphian girl to stay with me. She agreed, thank goodness, so this girl’s name is Judith and she will now be staying with me. I am so relieved..
At hockey practice we played in the rain. Brr! I froze. I arrived home late and didn’t have time to have my bike fixed. These hockey practices! When I told Mum and Dad who I was having to stay with me they were thrilled to bits. By the way, I have come top in English. I got 74%.
19550427 Wednesday – Today there was a mixed choir practice and as usual I dashed over to save Wendy’s and my seats. My seat is the first one on the inner aisle. The boys that are going to Melbourne were seated up the back out of the way and we were told some things about what we were to do at the assembly.
We watched the final of the senior girl’s tennis at dinner time nd Kay Byerlee and Moyne Peters won. They played against Sue Jellet and Faye Potter.
I wanted to get my hair cut for the social tomorrow night but I haven’t got an appointment, darn it. Oh well. There’s no interesting boys in the school so I don’t know what I’m worrying about.
In spare lesson this afternoon I sat in room 32 and watched a mouse in the waste paper basket. It intrigued me and I had to go out because I couldn’t study there.
19550428 Thursday – I missed hockey practice because I had to put up the hem of my uniform. Miss Dunn wasn’t very pleased. Staff match today and I’m kind of scared.
In bookkeeping Mr Braunsthall had to go somewhere and everyone was discussing the social, plus throwing things round the room. At recent time we were practising dancing steps for the social tonight. In Geography, West got sent up to Jenkin’s Office.
It was the social tonight and I had a wonderful time. I forget who I had the first dance with but it was the King’s Waltz. The second was a game, Musical hearts and I had Bob O. for that and it was great fun. We didn’t get put out for a really long time. Throughout the whole evening practically, my partners were good dancers and it was marvelous fun. They had another game, Musical Laps. The girls stood at the sides of the room and the boys marched round the chairs. When the music stopped the boys all grabbed a girl and sat down on the chairs with her on their laps.
At one time two boys caught hold of my wrists and both of them dragged me out. It was fun. They had a Mystery Parcel too. Michael Bradley one of the teachers had been given the parcel for having a lot of brains. He read his note and it was, “This is to the girl who is ever so bad, because she makes eyes at every lad.” Poor Michael didn’t know who to give it to so Mr Boundy called him over and gave him directions as to who to give it. Michael walked around the room very slowly, looking at each of the girls. Then Mr Boundy told him to go a little to the right, then a little to the left and then he said “right” and Michael gave the parcel to me!
I gave Boundy a dirty look and went out into the middle of the room and read mine. It was to the boy who had a perm and had very wavy hair. I gave it to Ian Kelly. The next dance I had with Bob Battersby and as we were going around we passed Michael Bradley. He looked at me then down at the floor and smothered a grin and when I was sitting down again, I found myself opposite him. I gave him another dirty look and he grinned and shrugged his shoulders as if to say it wasn’t his fault.
Next dance Bob O. made a beeline to me, but Bob Battersby got in first. He asked me if he could take me home and I agreed. Peter Yeatman was playing the drums and as we passed him, Bob looked over his shoulder and in a high whisper said “I’m taking her home, I’m taking her home!” Very flattering.
19550429 Friday – Everyone was talking about last night’s social and news or gossip of the latest romances was prevalent. The students were all going around with staring eyes (tired eyes) and making sheep’s eyes at their latest beaus and belles. Joan Oldfield asked me if I liked Bob Battersby. I told her I though he was “all right” but that we hadn’t particularly taken to each other. She then told me that I would have to look out if I did like him because Athalie Terry was on the war path with her claws well out and was determined to catch Bob.
I decided right then and then determined that I’d give her a good run for her money. Opera Practice. I’m pretty sure Bob O. likes me. He looks at me in just that way although he tries to hide it, but it won’t be hid. Hockey Practice. Gunta is pretty disappointed because she is not in the team. I’m sorry for her but it can’t be helped. I wrote to Judith McKinlay the girl who is going to stay with me when the Melbourne girls come over. Ted Spongberg was with us for dinner tonight and he talked with me about some of my thoughts and problems for my future life. He helped me a lot. He’s a wonderful man. His ex wife is a famous opera singer. Well I’m dog tired so its bed for me.
19550430 Saturday – This morning I got up fairly early because I didn’t want to miss anything Ted had to say. He is a very wise person and he has everybody hanging on every word he says. Before he went he reminded me not to forget the things we had talked about last night. As if I ever could.
This afternoon I went with Wendy and her parents to see Norwood play West Torrens. It was a draw. It was Wendy’s parents Wedding Anniversary and they were celebrating it. Coming home my bicycle wheel was a bit shaky and I had to nurse it all the way home. Some bike! I went to bed early and read a book for a fair time and then went to sleep.
19550501 Sunday – I read for a fair while this morning and then did the dishes and prepared the dinner while the others were at the meeting. Mum stayed home today, I don’t know why. Averil S. came in crying her heart out and told Mum that she couldn’t stand life at home much longer. She said her father was driving her crazy. Poor girl. How can a man be such a vile beast as he is? Miss Porter helped us with out Sunday School questions today because they were rather hard. I told her about Judith McKinlay and she said she thinks she is a relative to Miss Minny. Marlene Grosse came to dinner this evening and we played Softball for a while and went down into Graham’s darkroom while he printed some films
This evening we went to Cumberland to hear Ted Spongberg speak. His subject was “The influence of the Papacy in Politics today.” It was one of the most marvellous talks I have ever heard a man give. Perce speaks with such a gift too. The hour seemed to fly in a few minutes and every second of the time was charged with truth and earnestness. I think his lecture should have been recorded. It is a shame that such words have to be lost.
We took Marlene to the station but her father wasn’t there so she went to wait for a train and we started for home. We had just turned into King William Street when Graham said that Marlene might have to wait for a train for ages, so we turned back and Graham went to wait with her and then we came home.
19550502 Monday – Softball practice this morning was dreadful. We’ll never beat Melbourne, they’ll run rings around us. I am getting a cold too worst luck. At dinner time there was a softball practice and a meeting of the hostesses. We got our lists telling us the timetable and various forms of advice. Some good and some bad. We had a hockey match against PGC.
It was a beaut match. In the first quarter, I didn’t play too well, but I made up for it later on in the game. One of the forwards broke through the lines once and came on by herself. I came on her as fast as possible and kicked the ball just as her stick met the ball. I went into the splits and my stick I was holding across in front of me struck her on the arm and sent her stick flying to land a dozen yards away. Poor girl, I bet she’s got some beautiful bruises. I got my pocket today with the crossed softball bats on it, but not the crossed hockey sticks, darn them! Oh well.
Jim the Transport driver is back again and Dad, Graham and the transport driver and I went to Hollamby’s to hear Ted Spongberg. When we eventually started for home Graham called him, “Volcano Sponbergo” and after that the name stuck. Ted has a strange effect on me but I suppose not so very strange. Usually after a meeting I am just itching to get home to bed but with him I could sit listening to him for hours and as a result I get home at about midnight. To think that he was a Catholic and now is a most ardent Christadelphian. His knowledge is tremendous and his power of expression as great. He is an orator all right. He quite interested Jim and I think he will follow it up. I hop so. Ted was a Catholic for many years and now he hates everything Catholicism stands for. I love ed’s face too. His expression is always of interest, enthusiasm, sincerity and truth. He is one of the strongest men in the Truth I have ever met.
19550503 Tuesday – We played PGC in Softball and beat them hollow today. The score was 16 – 4. This evening I went into the station to see the Unley High boys off to Melbourne for the exchange between University High Melbourne and Unley High School for the Sports competitions. Graham drove me in the car and we arrived at about a quarter to seven. When I went onto the platform, all the girls looked at Graham and wondered who he was. I said “Hello” to Bob Battersby and while I was talking to him, Jimmy Luke came up. He’s a beaut kid, always speaks to me.
Bob O. came up to say “Hello” to me or more likely, “Goodbye.” I hadn’t been at the station long before it was time for them to go. I stood by the window of Bob’s carriage so that I could say goodbye to him. I was just standing there looking in, when Bob leaned out and said, “Hey, don’t look so glum,” and I said “Hey, you don’t look so happy yourself,” upon which he sat back in the seat and grinned and everyone laughed at him.
I wanted Bob to write to me but didn’t think it would be exactly right to ask him to, so I asked Bob Burgess to write to me instead, and he asked me what he should write to me for and I told him to tell me the news. There was silence for a minute and then Bob O. said, “What’s your address?” He won’t write though worst luck. He might though, he wouldn’t have asked for my address otherwise, would he? Oh he won’t write! Then the train started to move and everyone started waving and shouting and I felt sure it was me Bob was waving to. O well, we’ll see. Tomorrow the Melbourne girls will be coming. I wonder what my girl will be like?
19550504 Wednesday – We met the girls at the station at 9 am this morning and there was an awful noise! War cries, shouts etc. My girl and I met without any mishap and she seems quite nice. After we had been sorted out and luggage collected, Graham and I and our billet, Judy McKinlay started out for home. We had a cup of tea plus general introductions when we got there and Judy and I went back into town to have a walk around. We eventually went down to the Torrens (better than their muddy little gutter called the Yarra) and saw some of the girls rowing on the river so following their example. We hired a boat and went for a row.
We had a great time although we received a few blisters on our hands because none of us had done any rowing for a while. Graham took us to the Vogue theatre for the assembly in the afternoon and in the foyer I introduced Judy to a number of the girls form our school and she introduced me to the girls from University High.The girls from University High were asked to stand on the platform and then the welcome began. After the assembly which didn’t last too long, thank goodness, we went to have a look at the school and I collected my gear for the match tomorrow. In the evening we went to Mount Osmond to show Judy the lights.
19550505 Thursday – This morning we woke up late as usual and had to go to school in the Baker’s van and arrived at the Unley oval just in time. I changed into my sports uniform, togged up with my hockey pads and dashed out on the oval about 2 or 3 minutes before the match started. It was a fantastic match, except University High won, which was not good for Unley High. The only thing wrong with our team was that they all needed glasses! They had dozens of opportunities for a goal but missed them each time. The only good thing for me was that it meant the play was mostly down at our goal and at least I saved them a worse beating. We lost 5-2.
After the match we went along to the school and got ready for the Softball match. Once again, it was a great match, but we lost again!!! But, I didn’t put any fingers out which has to be a plus though I’ve got dozens of bruises on my leg, one about the size of an egg (a very small egg though). I also had a terrific thump on the head from a foul tip. Phew, and it’s the banquet tonight, however, I don’t think it will interfere with my appetite.
After the match we went to the Unley Town hall where the banquet and the debate were to be held. Unley won the debate, wonder of wonders. We had a good time and the food was plentiful and delicious and we made sure we got the best positions so that we could enjoy it all.
19550506 Friday – Tennis – Today the tennis was supposed to be played but it was washed out so we all went to town. We wandered around for ages and every now and then we would bump into a green and blue uniform. In the afternoon, the basketball was played intermittently, depending on whether it was raining or not. Next to me was a girl who everyone called Sparks. She was funny. She kept yelling out Uni in a cracked voice. Unley was stouched thoroughly. They just weren’t in the running. So much for Unley High being the “Best school for sports school in Adelaide.”
Something is wrong with my memory. I can’t remember what we did in the evening. I know we went somewhere but where I do not know. I don’t know how I am going to pass my Leaving with a memory like this. These lucky people who have photographic memories. Later I asked Jill Black what we had done and she told me it was the picture evening! I remember now. I sat next to the Music master, Duncan McKie and his wife further up was Mike Bradley. It was a rotten picture. Dad picked us up afterwards. Mr Potter, Unley High School’s headmaster is going to retire and I believe we are getting someone called Mr Carthew.
19550507 Saturday – This morning Judy and I went to the Botanical Gardens and the Museum and also the Torrens but this time we couldn’t row because the boatman wasn’t there. In the afternoon we went to see Sturt play South. Sturt won but it was a lousy match, the Uni girls called it aerial ping pong. Joy Eunson doesn’t like the girl she is staying with and doesn’t seem to be having a very good time. Oh well, can’t do anything about it. It can be a lottery who you get to stay with you. This evening we went to The temple to hear Ted Spongberg speak. He was extremely good but then he always is. Judy liked him too and said he was about the best speaker she had heard. We didn’t stay long that night because Dad was tired and wanted to get to bed. When I got home I found I had a letter from Bob O. He wrote!
19550508 Sunday – This morning we went to the meeting and then went to Lil Minny’s placed. Gee she is good at art and she had some beaut drawings and paintings and sculptures there. In the afternoon we went to Sunday School where I introduced Judy to most of the Young Folk. In the evening before the meeting we had a party at our place and about 50 of the young people attended and guess what Judy fell for Des! Doesn’t everyone? After a great dinner, we went (at least one of us went) to Collinswood. Heard Ted speak again and as usual he was terrific. Glennis Lawrey seems to think so too. We are going to write to him we think.
19550509 Monday – Today was the bus trip to show the Uni girls around Adelaide and surrounds. There were 6 buses which shows there were quite a crowd of us. We all assembled at school and left at about half past 10. We sang and we sang and we sang with zeal and loyalty! The bus driver didn’t seem to like our singing because he kept interrupting us by telling us where we were as if we didn’t know where we were. He loved the sound of his own voice. Once he turned the wireless on full blast to drown us out but he had to turn it off because we just sang louder and drowned him out.
We stopped at Meadows for lunch and I had two pasties and a pie. My poor waistline. After dinner we got back on the bus and went on to Mount Barker. Towards the end of our trip our singing lapsed and everyone of us fell asleep. It had been a great day but we were all so tired that none of us felt much like having a social in the evening. The social wasn’t too bad considering there were no boys but then again it wasn’t too good either. Some day someone’s going to do away with Miss Grosvenor and it may just be me! The only bright part of the evening was a sketch which the Prefects put on and Uni school sang a song with different humorous words put to the music.
19550510 Tuesday – This morning Judy and I rolled up late for the Parliament and we walked in in just as the Hon Member for ? Dunnage was speaking. Sir Robert someone or other and Jeffrey Clarke bored us all for about 2 hrs and was I glad to get out of there. While we were at the Parliament the Tennis was being played and once again we lost, Oh well!
We went rowing again in the time left of the morning and had a great time although my hands are even more blistered now than they were after last time we went rowing. Joy Eunson, Judy McKinlay and I had a boat each. While we were rowing along we heard a horn blow and along came “Pop Eye”. Judy and I rowed to the side of the stream to get out of its way but Joy Eunson just stood up in the middle of her boat and started shrieking and didn’t even try to move her boat out of the way. She sat down eventually and tried to row but only succeeded in gong round in circles. The inevitable happened! “Pop Eye” rammed her and Judy and I couldn’t do anything except laugh and laugh. It was so funny seeing poor Joy crouched down in the bottom of the boat just screaming and staring up at “Pop Eye” as it pushed her out of the way. We were glad we didn’t have to dive in and save her and so no harm was done.
The Melbourne girls went home tonight and there were tons of people to see them off. I promised to write to four people. Phew! Was there a racket when the train started to leave. War cries galore. Am I looking forward to when the boys come back tomorrow. And I am looking forward to seeing Bob O. again.
19550511 Wednesday – At school this morning everyone was anxiously awaiting the arrival of the boys from the Sports teams who had gone to Melbourne. Poor Wendy was saying sadly that Doug had probably taken girls galore home from the Social etc. When he eventually did come I quite expected her to come out with a rolling pin and hit him over the head for all the things he might have done.
Wendy thought I was awfully cold-hearted the way I received Bob’s letter and she reckoned that if she had received a letter from Doug ending with “An Admirer” she would have taken it in an entirely different way. She doesn’t know that I have made up my mind never to show how I feel about a person or for that matter, even to feel for a person as I used to do. You get hurt too much if you do. Des taught me that. Least said (or thought or felt) soonest mended is my motto these days.
When Bob eventually arrived, I waited for a while before I went out to see him, just so he doesn’t think I am chasing him. When I did go out, Bob pushed his way out of the crowd he was talking to and came over and talked to me. We talked for quite long time and then the bugle went and we had to go to our classes.After the first lesson, all the Economics classes went to see GMH so I didn’t see Bob any more that day. In the bus on the way to GMH I was sitting in the back of the bus with Colleen and some other girls and some of the boys.
On the way back, I was sitting next to Al Kalnins and Colleen, so now the order was Al, Istvan, Fay, Colleen, Kirk. Kirk didn’t like this order, so I changed changed places with Colleen so she was sitting next to Istvan and then Al changed places and sat next to me, Result. Istvan, Colleen, Al, Fay, Kirk, then Kirk was satisfied. They are certainly a mad crowd. Later Colleen and Istvan got off together because they live near each other and that left me with Al and Kirk. I felt a fool. In the evening I went to see Maynard off. I will miss them all. Rosalie almost arrived too late to catch the train. One day she’ll be early, but that day is a long way off. She will be late for her wedding and probably her funeral too. Today I got a letter from Judy McKinlay. She lives at 29 Sutton Street North Balwyn Melbourne.
19550512 Thursday – Last day of term – What a day. I arrived early of course and mucked around for an hour or two. I walked around and chatted to all the other students. We got our magazines early today and after I had just finished putting my name in my magazine, I looked up and click, someone had taken my photograph. I grinned at them and picked up my magazine and walked to the door. Immediately I was surrounded by hoards of first and second-year boys and Bob Oertel and about a dozen more of the Leaving boys stood at the door of their cloakroom and laughed at me. I moved a couple of yards and that was where I stayed for the next half hour. Autographs! I’ve never signed so many before. The space in my book was practically filled up before a quarter of an hour had passed.
I was saved eventually by the bugle and then we went over to the Vogue for the assembly and Mr Potter’s farewell. Before it started, I handed my book to the boys and they signed it and passed it on. You should have seen it when I got it back. Bob Battersby had signed his name in a huge square plus his address and “Bugs” Hollamby had added his plus a few kisses etc.
After the assembly, we went back to school and the autographs started again. I signed and signed and signed and when Graham Duckett came to get my autograph I asked him where Bob Oertel was and he asked me if I wanted him to get him for me and I said no, not yet at any rate, but in a few minutes, Bob Oertel came up and got my autograph. When for a minute or so there was a lapse in signing autographs I talked to Bob for a while and as I was talking Bob suddenly said “Don’t look now but your being invaded” and then they were on me and I was signing more autographs. Bob asked me why I was so popular which made me blush.
Dougy Coulter has jilted Wendy Swain poor girl. She probably nagged him about what girls he went out with in Melbourne. I wish she wouldn’t put so much into a boyfriend. When she likes a person she really likes him and she is so easily hurt. She cried her eyes out on my shoulder. She’ll never learn. I warned her and warned her not to build up about things because she’ll only be let down but it doesn’t make any difference.
After we had broke up for the term I somehow found I had missed Bob so I rode home by myself. In the afternoon as I was feeling lonely I went round to Roger Grigg’s place and spent about two hours talking to him. I asked him Bob O.’s address. So he knows I’m interested in him. On the way home from his place I met Bob West and talked to him for about an hour. Somehow our talk got around to letter writing and I said I loved writing letters but always wrote a lot of nonsense and then he said he hoped his letter had come up to standard because he had spent ages on it. He said he couldn’t keep his mind on it when he was writing it because he was thinking of other things. I said very indignantly, “Well I like that!” and he hurriedly told me that he had been thinking of me and that’s why he couldn’t concentrate on writing a letter. Bob is going to coach me in Arithmetic because I am hopeless at it. I hope he will because I won’t pass otherwise.
19550513 Friday – Today has certainly been some day. I rang up Bob O. and asked him if he would like to come and keep me company while I looked after the Black Smith’s shop. He came at about 2 o ‘clock and we sat and talked for about three quarters of an hour. Gradually it came out that he had liked me for about 2 years but hadn’t had the nerve to let me know.
Wendy rang up and asked me to go out with her tomorrow and I agreed and then I gave the phone to Bob and he asked Wendy to guess who it was. She had two guesses and then said “Bob O.” When Wendy was speaking to me she was amazed that he was here, I bet she’ll be asking some questions tomorrow. After Wendy hung up and Bob and I had been chatting again for a few minutes, in walked Roger Griggs. I didn’t ask him what he had come for because I knew he had just come to see me. When Dad came home we went in and had some afternoon tea then went into the lounge and while Roger played the piano Bob and I sat and talked.
After Roger left we talked some more and I have found that Bob is completely different to the boy I thought he was. There seems to be something behind him which drives him to excel at things. That must be what’s wrong with me, I am just not competitive at all. I really don’t care if someone is better at things than me. I like playing sport in teams rather than “winning” against just one person, so he is very different to me. It seemed to me that he was telling me things he had never told anyone before. Things just seemed to flood out of him and he seemed unable to stop. I just can’t make him out, really. He’s a strange lad.
19550514 Saturday – This morning I couldn’t decide whether to go to the Manser’s or Roger Griggs’ place. At last, I decided to go to the Manser’s, because I haven’t been there for ages. When I arrived I found Mrs Manser in two minds whether to go to town or not. She evidently didn’t want to go very much because as soon as she saw me she decided against going to town. As usual when I go to the Manser’s we seem to talk and talk and talk.
I don’t know why but the Manser’s always have the effect of loosening my tongue. I guess I just feel relaxed around them. We talked about the meeting and our beliefs plus a few things about school. Mrs Manser is such a muddler, and her house is always in a thorough muddle, but it is not surprising with all those young children. I think it is part of why I am so comfortable there and she never says things like “I’m sorry my house is in such a mess” which would make me feel I shouldn’t be there. Instead she is just so very welcoming.
In the afternoon when the Mansers eventually allowed me to go, I went to Wendy Swain’s place and played “Scrabble” with Wendy for most of the afternoon. I gave her some advice about how I thought she should handle Dougy. I wish that I had given her my advice sooner because she was quite angry at me for not telling her what I though sooner.
This evening Bob called for me at 7 and we went in the car with Dad and Jim who dropped us at the Majestic where we were going to see “Military Policemen” (that is Bob and I were, not Dad and Jim). We went in the theatre and sat down and talked. One thing, I am never at a loss for words when speaking with Bob. About two minutes before the film started, in walked Ian Kelly and John Champress and both sat down beside me. About halfway through the second film Bob took my hand. Strange, I didn’t mind at all? Usually I hate being touched and normally I would just pull my hand away because just the feel of a boy holding my hand or putting his arm around me makes me all tense. I don’t usually accept it, but I found it was different with Bob.
After the movie was over and we went outside, Bob put his arm around me and I didn’t mind that either. What is even more strange to my way of thinking is that I’m not really keen on Bob, just friendly, and yet I don’t mind him holding my hand or putting his arm around me. I think he likes me a lot however, because I didn’t even know him a year ago and yet he told me that he has wanted to ask me to the school picture evening second term last year but couldn’t get up enough courage to talk to me. Second term last year? That was when Peter Leak asked me to go with him to the picture evening but I turned him down. Bob reckoned he was furious with himself when he saw me there without boy.
We went home in Ian Kelly’s car and Bob and I got inside at about half past eleven. We had some supper and then went into the lounge. We chatted for a while and then Bob wanted to know about my church and so I told him a bit about it. Bob is a very intelligent deep thinking type of lad and certainly seems to think more deeply about things than most boys his age. We were still talking at one in the morning and Mum came in and told me off for staying up so late and said that Bob had to go home. We went out onto the veranda where we talked for another half an hour before I could eventually gt Bob to go. He just didn’t want to go and if I hadn’t said he must, I think he would have stayed there until 2.00. Bob is coming out again on Monday.
19550514 I wrote a letter to Ian Wurfel in Pinnaroo.
19550515 Sunday – This morning I did my Sunday School questions sitting up in bed and by the time I had finished them the family were home for dinner. That is Mum and Dad and Jim. After dinner I went to Sunday School which was awfully bare and quiet because so many of the YF were at the Conference. After Sunday School I went to a Young Folks meeting in the rear hall where we were asked to distribute pamphlets on Saturday. I then walked up to the tram stop with Glennis Lawrey and some others and then caught a bus home myself. I had dinner a bath and now I am going to bed. How quiet it is of a Sunday without the boys and the Young Folks.
19550516 Monday – This morning I read for about an hour and consequently it was about 9.00 am when I got up. Bob Oertel rang up and asked what time he was to come around today and as I had to get some books from school, we eventually decided to go there for the morning. When I arrived there, Bob was already in the office talking to Dianna. We had a look at some magazines, some VG cards etc. And then Pam Hissey came in. That of course explains everything! There never has been such a mad girl in this whole wide world. She has so brightened up my year at Unley High. Dianne dared me to ring up Peter Jessop so I did and Pam spent the rest of the morning talking to him. Well, almost. Bob O. and I left at about twelve and he is coming down after he has had dinner. I can’t make up my mind about him. He’s all right I suppose. I like him as a friend but nothing more.
When Bob came this afternoon we spent a short time in Charlie’s room where Bob tried to teach me some arithmetic but it didn’t work. I’m hopeless at it. We began talking and as usual we couldn’t seem to stop. He told me that there are lots of rumors that have gone around the school about me, some of which were true and most untrue. I don’t like the way he tells me these sorts of things really. I’d rather not know what people are saying about me, and besides, how do I know he is reporting accurately what people say? I sometimes think he is trying to turn me against certain people to stop me from liking them hoping I will like him more.
19550517 Tuesday – This morning Mum gave me breakfast in bed and I eventually got up and helped her with the dishes. At about ten o’clock I went around to Roger Grigg’s place and listened to records for a with him and then I rode home in the rain. It was pouring! Just before I got near the school it was raining cats and dogs as I went in and I thought I would talk to the girls for a while. I didn’t think that for long though because Pinhead Giles was in the office, so I turned tail and got out of there quick.
I arrived home saturated and had to spend some time drying off before I could get the dinner. After dinner was over and the dishes washed, I went down to the Blacksmith Shop and spent 2 hours rolling cray pot hoops. I’d hate to do that for a living. When that was done I had a lovely leisurely bath and washed my hair and now I am sitting by the fire doing some Bible study. What a life. It will be awful to grow up because life is wonderful. In my diary I had a drawing of Miss Tomlinson on this page.
19550518 Wednesday – This morning I went to the office as I had nothing else to do. Pam and Di were sitting doing nothing, as usual, so we were three of a kind. I spent the whole morning there and for dinner we had toasted crumpets, sardines, lettuce, gherkin, pickled onion some chocolate and a coke and fruit tingles. Phew! Some meal. We had been sitting eating for some time when the phone rang and Mom wanted to speak to me. If Mum wants me, she always rings the Office to see if I’m there! She told me she had some news for me but wouldn’t give me any idea of what it was about, so I left the office and went home.
When I arrived, she took me in the kitchen and told me that she had phoned Mrs O. and asked if it was all right for Bob to come to our Sunday School. She told Mrs O. that Bob had said he would like to come with us on Sundays. Mrs O. said that she didn’t want Bob doing something he might regret and so she told Mum that she didn’t want him to attend our Sunday School, but that she would to talk it over with Mr Oertel when he came home that night. To start with Mum said Mrs O. was very cool and polite but by the time they had finished the phone call she had thawed out a lot. She told Mum she was very glad that Mum had phoned because she hadn’t known what kind of people we were or what we were trying to talk Bob into. When she finished, although she seemed to feel more kindly toward our religion she still didn’t think she would let Bob go any further with it, “because he was too young.”
I don’t know how Bob feels about this, so it remains to be seen whether they have talked him into giving up all idea of coming to the Christadelphian Sunday School or not. If Bob doesn’t come and explain things to me before school starts, I will come to the conclusion that he has given it up and I will know what to do then. I will go back to the same way we used to be before I went out with him, just very friendly etc. But that will be as far as it goes. I have a feeling he won’t take going back to the old way now that he has known me as something more than just a friend. He’ll have to understand that with me goes my religion and he has to take that or nothing. He might not decide to do as his parents say or he might be able to talk them round but that remains to be seen. I have done my best and the rest is up to him.
19550520 Friday – This morning Bob O. rang up and after hedging for some time, by talking about Ian Kelly, he eventually came to the point and spoke about his “parent trouble.” He said that his parents didn’t want him to get serious about anything when he was so young but said he was still as keen about our religion as he had been before he had spoken to his parents who are trying their hardest to talk him out of it. This afternoon he is coming around to talk things over.
When Bob came this afternoon we sat and talked about nothing in particular for a fair while and then Mum came in and asked Bob a few questions about things. He told her that he couldn’g go against his parents but that wouldn’t stop him from still being interested in Christadelphian beliefs. “It might mean,” he said,”Waiting until I am 21 before I do anything about it,” which means most probably that he will do nothing at all. Well, that is that I guess. It cannot be helped and nothing more can be done about it. Maybe it will turn out all right some time later.
Bob left at about half past five and I have told him that unfortunately for him, with me goes my beliefs, so I guess from here we will just be friends. I think I would be more upset if I really liked Bob, but I don’t think that I do REALLY like him or I would be more upset with what has happened.
19550521 Saturday – I read a book most of the morning and didn’t get up until about half past twelve. Disgusting! But it was beaut. I’m lucky to have a mother who lets me spend a few mornings in bed during the holidays. At about ten past one I went into town to meet the Young Folk who were going pamphlet distributing. At two o’clock, Glennis Lawrey, Isa Wigzell and I left for Collinswood in Max Lund’s car. When we arrived at the Druid’s hall where the Collinswood Christadelphians have their meeting we were given some pamphlets and told the areas where we were to distribute them. Glennis Lawrey, John Broadbridge, Glennis Lawrey and Max went together and John Broadbridge and I went together.
We finished our area early so we went back to the hall and got some more pamphlets. Betty Pitt and Dean Pitt were there with two children. I didn’t know that Betty had two children. I told her I was slightly behind the times and she agreed that I must be. Dean Pitt came with us on our second trip and we walked together most of the day. He’s a nice lad, rather quiet. There was young folks in the evening which went off well. Afterwards I spent some time talking to Jimmy Luke.
19550523 Monday – I went into town this morning to buy myself a new fountain pen for shorthand. I bought a Wyvern and it’s not a bad little pen. It is green and not very long. Here’s hoping the boys don’t break this one. My old fountain pen has never flowed properly and I don’t think it is just the nib. I thought that I would like two fountain pens so I bought a new nib for my old pen which cost me fifteen shillings. Probably even with a new nib the pen won’t run properly and for only five shillings more I could have bought a new pen. When I got home Mum told me that Bob had rung up and had asked me to ring back. I rang him and and he told me that Mum’s phone call had not had any bad results and then he told me that there were some more rumors going round about me. These rumors he keeps telling me about. More and more I find I am questioning Bob’s motives in telling me all this stuff. He doesn’t seem to believe me when I tell him I really don’t care what people are saying about me.
This afternoon I went to the school to get a preview of the new headmaster. He doesn’t look too choice. Almost as ancient as Muff, bigger (not taller) and broader. He has a beak and a bald pate. Jenkins was there. He didn’t say anything about my presence there. He must make allowances for his “star” English student. I wish he was going to be headmaster instead of Carthew.
19550524 Tuesday – Start of Second Term
In spite of all my valiant effort last night to get everything ready for school, I was there at about ten to nine. Luck was with me however, because there was a staff meeting which went on until a half past nine, so I wasn’t late. Lessons went pretty well and I actually worked in every lesson. I hope I can keep it up, I do hope so, because I must pass this year or Dad won’t let me go back. I have found out that at the end of this year I can sit for my Leaving Honors Economics. I think I will do that if I can because then I would only have to do three subjects (If I got it) and would be able to keep up shorthand.
In the dinner hour I saw Bob O. and asked him what he was going to say over the phone but didn’t. At first he hesitated and wouldn’t tell me, probably giving me my own back I suppose, but then he said he would tell me, but just then Giles came along and told us to part company, darn him.
Opera practice on Saturday, and I am looking forward to it. I did my homework tonight every bit of it, Wonder of wonders, so it looks like I am getting off to a good start this term.
19550525 Wednesday – A rather uneventful day, one of many to come I’m afraid. The winter has started. I hate the winter, it always depresses me. Dad took me into school in the car today and on the way we picked up some girl or other and gave her a ride to school. There was mixed choir today and their was the usual mad scramble for seats. Mr McKie announced the Saturday afternoon practices for opera. I’m glad Opera preparations have started, it means hockey muck arounds before and after practices. Wonderful.
Pam almost hooked me in for minding the switchboard but I got out of it by palming it off onto Nell Teakins. She doesn’t mind, in fact she likes doing it. The school picture evening is in three weeks’ time. I wonder if I’ll go with Bob if he asks me? I don’t know, I must be a heartless creature, I no sooner get a boy to dote over me and then I don’t want him. It’s a dreadful way to be.
I asked Mr Jenkins if I can drop Geography and he’s going to do whatever he can do about it. He won’t mind I don’t think because that will mean all the more time I can put into English and get his beloved Credit. Mr Braunsthall won’t mind because I can then give more time to Arithmetic and Pedro most certainly wouldn’t mind, I would be one less person to plague him. I hate Geography.
19550526 Thursday – It was “Ridiculous Destruction” this morning which was a lucky thing because I was late. My bike is falling to bits, literally. The mudguard flaps in the breeze, the seat is broken, and the chain slips all the time. I forgot to take my raincoat to school today and so I got wet. I was dreading speaking to Bob all day because the picture evening was coming soon and I felt sure he would ask me to go with him. At dinner time Bob told me he wanted to speak to me sometime that afternoon. Gulp!! All afternoon I was trying to think of an excuse but couldn’t find one.
After school just before I was going to speak to Bob, Roger Griggs came up to talk to me. I told him I couldn’t make up my mind whether to go with Bob O. or not. I tell Roger things because he keeps them secret. He doesn’t usually tell me what the boys say, but this time he did because he thought I ought to know.He said that Bob had said to a crowd of boys (boasting) that he “had me on a string.” Well that settled it for me. Bob is the only boy at school who has been able to get me to go out with him and so now he seems to be proud of it. Later in the afternoon Bob asked me if I would go to the picture evening with him, and I refused. He wanted to know why and I told him that I had changed my mind about him and didn’t feel the same way any more. He wouldn’t take “No” for an answer however and told me to think about it so I said I’d think about it and left it at that.
There was a basketball practice tonight and Wendy went to it. After I had told Bob I wouldn’t go with him I went round to Roger’s place to see if he had been telling the whole truth. I was beginning to wonder whether Roger had a hidden agenda too. When I got there, I found he wasn’t home yet so I came back to school. Eventually, I found him and asked him the details which he duly told me. It sounded like he was telling the truth, but I still had a sneaking feeling that he might have been jealous of Bob and wanting to break us up. Boyfriend and girlfriend relationships are so complicated.
I rode part of the way home with Wendy and we talked about “the boys in our lives.” We both agreed that maybe I would not have been so quick to believe Roger and refuse to go to the picture evening with Bob if I had liked him more in the first place.
19550527 Friday – Empire Day – Things began to happen about half past twelve today. It is Empire Day and as usual, we had the Empire Day ceremony. It was funny, Mr Carthew took it. After the usual talk, he said “School begins!” That was the signal for the commencement of the ceremony. After that was over he said, “Join in with the National Anthem.” Now the record that was used for the National Anthem at Unley High was not music to be sung to, it was just an orchestral thing. Mr Carthew stood up on the dais singing his head off all by himself, because nobody else sang. He looked puzzled and hesitated and then started to sing all the louder. No one joined in. He began to get a bit embarrassed so he called out “I said join in.” Nobody joined in. By this time everyone was just about killing themselves laughing at him, poor fellow. So much for all his efforts to make a good impression on his first assembly.
This afternoon I went up to Nell’s Teakin’s place and we went for a walk. We went all the way up to Browhill Creek. We passed a lot of new Aussies who as usual “wolf-whistled” at us. These New Australians make me sick. A girl can’t even walk up the street nowadays without being whistled at. They whistle at anything in a skirt (or shorts).
19550528 Saturday – First Opera Practice – This morning I went to Mrs French for my first music lesson for the first term. Got a lecture for neglecting to practice. I had singing too. In the afternoon was the first opera practice for the year. It was great fun. To start with all the girls and boys belted a hockey ball all up and down the quadrangle, then had the Opera practice, and then after that we all belted the ball up and down again.
When it was time to go, I went straight away to avoid having to ride home with Bob. I rode most of the way with another girl but Bob was close on my heels. I do feel a bit guilty, but really, it is just bad luck for him. I don’t want to hurt him or anything but I just don’t like him anymore.
Didn’t do any homework. Went to the Library and changed my books. I got a beaut one called “The Valley of Sound” about a blind man. It was by Lewis Arnold.
19550529 Sunday – I was going to go to meet Rosalie Foster this morning but I was simply too tired. Instead I stayed home and got dinner ready instead. Sorted out some photos too which was fun. At Sunday School this afternoon Rosalie gave us a description of the happenings at the Conference. Seems they had a great time. Half their luck. Rosalie came home to dinner and for some reason or other after they had gone (That is Rosalie, Mum and Dad), I felt awfully depressed. I don’t know why. So I have gone to bed to read a book and to try and cheer myself up.
19550510 Monday – At lunchtime today I found out a few things out about Bob. To start with, I was walking up the yard with Wendy when Bob passed and in a rather embarrassed fashion, he tried to strike up a conversation with us. He said something about being sick of school ( probably the first thing he would think to talk about) and then when I just agreed, but didn’t show any inclination to walk on with him, (I didn’t snub him or shut him off or anything, but I just didn’t encourage him) he walked on alone. I looked at Wendy and she looked at me and I said, “Hey Wendy, just tell me something, who’s got who on a string?” We grinned at each other and then just walked on.
Further up the street we met Val Uffendel. She asked me if I was going to the picture evening with Bob. I said, “No.” She asked me “Why not?” I told her that I wasn’t, in fact, going with Bob at all. She then said in a laughing tone (not knowing I didn’t know) that Bob had got into trouble the night he had stayed so late at my place!! Ha! And he told me he hadn’t got into trouble! Another deception. Also, he told me that Jenny Capon, his previous girlfriend, knew that I was going with Bob, but she has been in Melbourne and apparently he didn’t tell her about us. Again another deception! He must have realised that if I had known that he already had a girlfriend and that he hadn’t told her about me then I wouldn’t have gone with him in the first place. I am not into stealing other girls’ boyfriends. She has come back knowing not a thing about me. Well, that’s that. It is definitely over with Bob as far as I am concerned.
Wendy has got a new flame. I don’t think he knows about it yet. But it is Tony Wright. He is a beaut little kid. Hope he likes her. Wouldn’t mind going with him myself if he were only a few inches taller and broader. He had his photo in the paper a little while back. He and Brooking (Brooking is our school tennis champion) entered for the age tournaments doubles together and won it. Then they both played in the singles and had to meet each other in the final. Brooking beat Tony.
1955 0531 Tuesday – Wendy is pretty certain that Tony Wright does like her now. I’m glad. I think he must because usually when he goes past us he only says, “Hello” to me, but now, he says “Hello” to hr and only to me as an afterthought. I’m glad because he is an extra nice lad. Hope Wendy has more sense in how she treats him that she did her last boy friend. No more “Jilted Wendies” please.
I think Bob has realised at long last that it is over with us because I have heard that he has asked Val Uffendel to go with him, but she has said “No.” I hope he asks Jenny Capon to go with him because she apparently really likes him, but I suppose that would hurt his pride after having told me he doesn’t like her for more than a friend.
Boy, have I been in hot water today. First of all I mucked around like anything in Geography today. I put a strap around Al Kalnin’s neck and pulled it tight and then at the start of the Shorthand lesson he did the same to me and then in walked Mrs Daymond and she did not seem to appreciate that we were just having fun.
At Dinner time I kicked a football out the door just as Mr Anderson walked by. Mr Giles was there and for a while it looked like detention for me but Mr English was also there and he saved me by telling me off so that Giles didn’t have to deal with me. That’s because I am Jenkin’s favorite English scholar.
19550601 Wednesday – Wendy is quite taken with her Tony but I don’t know how long it will last because she never seems to stick to one boy for long, or no boy has ever stuck to her for long, whichever it is. Colleen wants me to go to Opera Practice tonight to keep her company. Also, I have lost my Economics Book. I can’t find it anywhere. I’ve looked and looked but for the life of me I can’t find it.
Opera practice tonight was great fun. Colleen and I spent most of the time doing Economics homework and singing in between times. I was going to go home with Ray Keatley (He’s the one who played the Emperor in last year’s opera and he is going to play the drunken Executioner this year) but I would have had to wait for ages after it was over so I went with Ian Kellly in his car. John Champion was in the front with Ian and I sat in the back with Bob Oertel. Seems he’s still liking me.
When we got to my place we stayed talking for a fair while and then Ian tried to teach me to drive. We went up Kenilworth Road stopping and starting and eventually arrived back at our place. It was such good fun. Ian Kelly is a lot nicer than I thought he was.
19550602 Thursday – Wendy is “disappointed in love” again. It seems that Tony has been winking at her each time he passes her and she has taken that as a sign that he likes her, but she was speaking to someone or other and as usual told them about Tony winking at her and they remarked that he had a beautiful wink and used it on practically every one. Poor disillusioned Wendy!
This has proved true because I passed Tony and grinned at him and he winked at me. I said, “Well, really” and he winked again. All the rest of the day when I have passed him he has been winking at me. Never again will I consider that a boy likes me if he winks at me. It seems to be just a habitual way of greeting.
Wendy Swain and Mike Cannell, one of Wendy’s boyfriends.
Continue Reading . . . Volume 1 – Chapter 17