20160229 – Monday – Leap Year, Airport and trailer ready

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Gail Brinkerhoff and Fay Berry

Someone I am really looking forward to seeing again.

I have been up since 5.am this morning because I had to drive my friends C & P to the airport and then back home again after that.

When I arrange to drive friends to the airport I  am always afraid that I will not wake up in time. I then seem to wake up earlier than normal and then have to stay awake in case I go back to sleep and sleep too long.

My friends are off to NZ this morning and they wanted to be there early so all in all it worked out quite well.

Now I am sitting at my computer feeling very satisfied and happy because tomorrow I am leaving on my 2nd grey nomad trip to the “Oldies Bible School” at Rathmines. My trailer is already connected to my car and everything is pretty well ready to go and that is such a relief for me.. .

These days I have help from Wesley Care for someone to clean my unit, but today, Andrew my cleaner not only cleaned my unit but he tidied up the inside of my trailer and attached the trailer to my car and I am so happy that It is now all ready to go.

I won’t leave today because it is already too late in the day as far as I am concerned, but tomorrow I will leave DV first thing in the morning.

A couple of weeks ago I spilled boiling oil on my foot and I have been pretty incapacitated as a result, hence I was worrying about my trip and whether I could cope with packing and everything (and that’s why I am so happy to be packed and have car attached to trailer).

My foot is almost better and my friend C, when we arrived at the airport handed me a pot of medicinal honey, making me promise not to eat it, but to put it on my foot to ensure that it healed properly. I have good friends! She knows me well. I would much rather eat it than put it on my foot. “Remember it costs $30 a pot,” she said, “and don’t you DARE eat it. So no honey for me.

Tomorrow is the day! I am so looking forward to seeing all my NSW friends again.