20181111 – Sunday – South Adelaide

20181111 – Sunday – South Adelaide.

Sundays are wonderful! There is a whole different feel to the day.

I am sitting in the Mediterranean cafe on Broadway, this morning. 

It is full of families who are coming out with their family groups and sharing companionable breakfasts together.

I am here, not for breakfast, but just coffee-ing prior to going to the meeting at South Adelaide.

It is a bright sunny day, full of promise. 

As I was driving here, I was thinking about how beautiful it is here in Adelaide.

It really is a beautiful place.

The beach is calm and delicious. 

What I really miss these days is actually getting onto the beach and swimming in the sea.

Because of my legs I can’t really manage getting around on the beach any more.

If I do swim in the sea, and I haven’ done that for a very long time now, the sea has to be absolutely calm because even the smallest waves will knock me off of my feet, and I will have difficulty getting up again.

I remember once when I lived at Aldinga Beach, many years ago now, I was swimming in the sea and an elderly couple were standing in the sea nearby.

A small wave came by and destabilised the man so that he almost fell over.

His wife grabbed his arm and I grabbed his other arm, but it was almost too much for our combined strengths to hold him up. 

If I had not been there, it is sure that the woman would NOT have been able to hold him up.

They both got out of the water and thanked me and asked me if I would like to come to their place for a cu of coffee.

I went with them, and that began a friendship which lasted for many years. 

Every so often I would go to their place and share a cup of coffee with them.

I can’ even remember their names, now, all these years later.

When they were young they had been “into” motor cycles, and they still had a motor cycle of sorts.

It was a big clunking thing made for two. 

There was a seat where they sat side by side under a canopy and the woman drove and the man was able to just sit there.

They had had it specially made to cope with the fact that he had had a stroke and was unable to drive any more.

So she drove the bike and they travelled all over Australia in that machine.

I wonder what has happened to them now? Whether they are still alive or not.

So many people I have met over my life-time, all so real to me today.

I am so glad that most of my friends are much younger than me, so I have not yet experienced the loss of friends by illness or death – yet!

It must get very lonely if all your friends are dead and gone.

I am so grateful for Christadelphia because my friends are “legion,” from all over Australia and actually the world really. People such as Sylvia de Fernandez of El Salvador. She is a dear friend and sister I have met on the internet.

We communicated by using the “translation” feature of Facebook.

How amazing that is, she can write to me in Spanish and I can’t read her words in English.

What a world we live in.

So I started this post by talking about how beautiful Adelaide is as I drive around Glenelg and Somerton each day.

Beautiful houses, brilliant blues sea, distant horizon arcing around from my car. 

And the beautiful houses, everywhere. 

And the people running along the pathway beside the sea, all enjoying the beauty of God’s wonderful earth. 

What’s not to love about this wonderful place.

I am so blessed, so very blessed to be here on this, God’s earth.

And the peace we enjoy in this country!

It could be very different and may be very different in the near future if things continue in the politics of the world.

Man does not realise or appreciate what they enjoy here now.

It could all disappear in a moment.

But while it is, as it is, I know this. 

I will enjoy it and appreciate it every day of my life that stretches before me, short or long.

Thank you dear God, thank you.

My diet for yesterday

Breakfast, steak, spinach, tomato, mushroom, cucumber, grapes. Loved the meal. Everything tastes better these days. 

Went to Inc, coffee and berry drink, smoothie with all good stuff.

Darren: What was in the berry drink?

I reckon that will spike your sugar levels.


Have you measured your blood after that yet?

Click to access 8812-Inc-Cafe-Drinks-2.pdf

You got the berry 

Brighton didn’t you?

Fay: Apple juice, mixed berries, sorbet and ice.

Darren: lol.


Have you taken your levels?

Fay: I’m not at home.

Darren: So I know you think that’s healthy.

Fay: I was hoping.

Darren: The apple juice would be a concentrate.

This has more sugar in it than coke!

Fay: Most of the fluid in it is ice shards.

Darren: Sorbet is classed as fat free, when in fact it is full of sugar.

Fay: Ok, once again, no more of it.

Darren: Yep. Trust me, you have overloaded on sugar and I would be very surprised if your sugar levels don’t show that.

I know it is hard to work out what’s what.

Fay: Well, I am not going home just yet.

Darren: Definitely stay away from any juices.

Even if freshly juiced.

It’s way, way, way, way too much sugar in one sitting for you.

Fay: Ok, Ok, I get it.

Darren: Love you.

Fay: But everything else I’m eating is right!

Love u 2!!

Darren: Yeah, all the other stuff was really good.

I think the juice is just an education thing. Like the nuts etc.

Something that you thought was really healthy but when in fact it is not.

Fay: I brought a packed lunch to Inc and eating it in full view.

Darren: You’ll get there.

Lol,that’s a bit cheeky. Do they mind?

Fay: I will, BUT it tasted so NICE!

Darren: Yep, sugar has that effect unfortunately

Fa y: No anything goes here because of the Mindas.

Darren: 5 minutes of ice though will undo 1-2 days of good eating though.

Fay: Yep, you are right.

Darren: As I said though, you’ll get there, you need to have these experiences to try and correct some of those learned behaviours that you thought were right but which are not.

Just like that guy in your YouTube video said.

We have all been trained and programmed like  sheep  to think the wrong way about food.

It’s horrible really and to then have to reprogram yourself can be very hard.

Fay: Yep.

Darren: You could have he lean and mean juice drin on their menu, but no pineapple or apple.

No sure if you would like the taste or not.

Maybe something to try.

Fay: What is lean and mean?

On the Inc menu under the juices.

Fay: Hang on, I will ask.

Darren: just sent you the link to their menu.

Click to access 8812-Inc-Cafe-Drinks-2.pdf

Fay: Ok, so if you’ve got menu find me a list of what I can eat from that menu.

Doesn’t lean and mean have pineapple in it?

Darren: On the drinks menu only green tea and the drink called lean and mean, but ask for it with no pineapple or apple.

On the breakfast menu.

Any of the egg options but not bread or sauces.

Or feta cheese.

You could ask if they have mushrooms etc, that you could replace those with.

Oh also no quinoas or hash browns.

Fay: On the Len and mean, if they take out pineapple and apple they have to replace it with something, maybe watermelon?

Darren; Ask if they can replace it with coconut milk.

Fay: What is quinoas?

It is rice-looking and i is a wheat based carb.

Just avoid it.

Fay: Can’t  have coconut milk to replace because it is thick stuff and is meant for smoothies.

Darren: If they don’t have coconut milk you. Old ask for it with almond milk.

However they probably use the supermarket kind which is ok but not the best.

Fay: Everything here is only natural sugars, no additives.

Why not watermelon?

I’m going to try lean and mean with water melon.

Darren: It is too high in sugar.

Remember the 10 grapes and how they spiked your levels.

I know you like fruit but it has to be such a little amount.

Also, not more juices today.

That berry drink will take a few days to recover your sugar levels from now.

Fay: I will go home soon and see how my levels hve survived!

Well, Darren, you were right! Again!

2.43 pm at 22.5 sugar level!!!

Darren: lol 

Fay: This was after having Berry drink and one lean and mean.

Lunch: vegetables, tomato and avo and cucumber and carrot. Haven’t eaten meat as yet but will shortly.

You LOVE to be right!

So not I will take insulin to cover the spike.

20 Lantus, 20 Novarapid.

Waiting for eggs to boil.

I seems to me that I am going to have to be constantly measuring my sugar levels for the rest of my life!

Just ONE thing off the diet and I am in trouble.


But i will be all worth it when I look like this again, but with white hair.

Put up sand dune photo of me when I was about 16 years old.

Darren: U just need to avoid fruits, sugar and carbs.

If we can do that mostly you will be fine without having to measure.

Fay: Yes, you are right.

Dinner at 5.00 pm. Steak, fried and spinach, avo tomato cucumber, carrot. Tasted just wonderful

Will measure sugar in an hour or so.

5.57pm at 6.1 sugar level.

Only took 20 Lantus and 20 Novarapid to achieve this result.

That’s all the insulin I have taken today!!

Be interesting to see if I have to take more overnight or not.

Darren: Wow, that’s very low.

Fay: 1.20 pm at 11.1 sugar level.

It is, isn’t it.

10 units of Novarapid

2.44 am at 14.4 sugar level.

10 units Lantus.

6.44 am at 11.3 sugar level

Weight 96.6

Wake up at 6.46 am

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