20190304 – Thursday
– Too good to be true.
Well I was ok right up until about Midnight last night, and then the woman in the next room began to cry and she was having a real bad time of it.
And I found myself in REAL pain!
And then I couldn’t get my brain together and I felt simply shocking.
I couldn’t remember things and I got it into my head that I had had a stoke.
I couldn’t remember words and I couldn’t remember anything, and I felt simply dreadful.
The doctors came in and didn’t think that I was having a stroke.
But I wasn’t so sure.
It soon became obvious that I would be staying another day.
I felt tearful and miserably unhappy.
The woman next door was being a real pain, and I was so glad when she finally quieted down.
Helen came finally and chatted to me for about an hour.
After she left I went to sleep until about 3 pm.
And then I went to sleep until the physiotherapist came in.
She stood me up and then I sat in a large chair for quite a while.
The pain began to get to me and to try to get myself to stay a little longer, I worked on my computer for a while.
Then a doctor came in to try to work out what was wrong with me, and I was tearful.
He wanted to ring Helen to find out if my behaviour was any different.
Now I am going to get the nurse to get me back into bed.
20190405 – Friday – I think I am all good
I got out of bed this morning feeling really good and I think I am VERY OK.
I am sitting in a large chair and waiting for my breakfast.
I wish I could stay in bed for one more day, because I would love to be able to just relax.
But I feel sure they will make me go home.
This feeling that I have of WELLNESS is so good, and I simply can’t disguise how peaceful and happy I feel.
So I think it will be home for me today.
Unless someone is feeling benevolent and giving me one more day, just sleeping peacefully.
Well, I feel that the angels have been looking after me for sure.
The nurse came and gave me an all over wash and I used my coconut oil for my face and hair.
Now I can have my last clean up before I go home.
I have no bruising whatsoever so I think I am doing pretty well.