Here, you’ll find a number of photos of the Dangerfield family which you may find interesting. To view them, you can either just scroll down and if you want to enlarge, just click on any photo.
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- This picture was in an oval fram in our home at 12 Kenilworth Road Parkside.
- I think this is outside Eudunda Farmers. Grandpa Williams is third from front on left
- Jean Williams in 2nd row first on the right. She looks so much like Jesia Berry her granddaughter
- I don’t know who this couple is but probably a relative of the Dangerfields
- I don’t know who this couple is but probably a Dangerfield relative
- Some old cars new at the time on this road
- What knees
- Edna Pa and Ron Arnold taken in Victorian Gov Reserve
- From left Albert Drake Navy friend of Johns and Pat Critchley John’s Sister, Ronda Williams and John Critchley
- To Maynard, with Love and best wishes from Marie Xmas 1929.
- Think this must have been one of Maynard’s girlfriends
- Davis, Florence Davis dressed as Joan of Arc
- Wallaroo Mines Nov 3. Dearest Maud. We have not finished the photos as yet Will send some to Joe and Alice> Perhaps yours would be best sent to Pinnaroo. Much love from Emma. to Maud c/ Mr J Thoday South Bundaburg WA
- Fred, Bessie,
- Joseph and Margaret Dangerfield’s familyJoseph Dangerfield 2
- Ronda Critchley and Connie Candie and Shirley and Bob Candy
- I don’t know who they are on the dray
- He was a Chistadelphian but left and became a freemason
- Show day, about 1914. Left to right, Arthur, F.G. Arthur (father), Howard (twin), Bessie (Mother), Eunice (twin) and Charles
- On the back of the photo it reads ‘from Essie and Maurice with Love. So it is probably someone called Essie and Maurice.
- P Francis, R Buss, W Simmonds, S Wilson, T Reid, T Sutton, D Kenneally, E Dangerfield, J Daley, L Fitzpatrick, T George, J Brown, J Metcalf, J Black, L Barry, D Kelly, G Charlton, J Blakley, R Hawkes
- Auntie Bessie Arthur’s family, Fred, Charles, Howard and Eunice (twins
- (Alice) Maud Dangerfield 1885 6 years old (on farm at Nest Plains?)
- Harry Dangerfield a member of the Rechabites
- My grandmother Alice Maud (Maud) Dangerfield on the right.mother, Alice Maud Dangerfield on the right.
- On the back reads ‘to Aunt and Uncle from Linda and Will
- Taken at the back of 12 Kenilworth Road Parkside
- Great Grandpa Joseph Dangerfield in the back yard of Uncle Harry and Auntie Emma’s Home in Gawler
- Harry Dangerfield, Lance Dangerfield’s father
- On the back the name Maud, but can’t recognise her amongst these
- Charles is Joseph and Margaret Dangerfield’s son and his wife Aunty Tot. Charles is Allan Dangerfield’s father
- The only name on the back was ‘Stella.’
- Maude Dangerfield (orig)
- Bessie Dangerfield and…
- My Mum and Dad’s wedding in 1934