20190711 – THURSDAY – My eyesight
Today was the dreaded day! The day I went to see my ophthalmologist about my eyesight,
Since my stroke I have not known how much my eyesight had been affected. Would I EVER be able to drive again, or not?
Well it seems that my eyesight has not been much affected, though it feels to me as if it has.
I know that my left eye SEEMS to me as if it has been affected, but apparently not.
But it will all depend on a test I will have to have in 2 months time when it is time to fill in the yearly form for renewal of my driver’s licence.
This one could not be done today because of the drops I had had in my eyes.
It is the test where I have to find out what peripheral sight I have lost, whether it has changed from my last stroke in 2008.
But if my eyesight has not changed much from my first stroke, then it is hopefully likely that this has not changed much either.
One can only hope and pray.
And besides there are two months before I have to worry about it much anyway.
Jeff dropped me off after my appointment at the Jetty Road Grange cafe, and then he went off to Jesia’s place to read to the grandkids.
I am not much use to Jesia right now because I am so impaired in what I can and can’t do.
I can’t read the paper right now because my eyesight is all blurry from the drops I have had in my eyes.
This morning I fell over in my flat.
I was trying to put my slippers on and lost my balance, even though I was holding on to my walker at the time.
I have to be so careful what I do now.
This getting old business is such a pain.
I used to think that old people were completely impaired and that you had to talk to them more loudly or slow down your speech for them.
I know that for some of them, this is the case, but my brain is still working and is probably as sharp as it has ever been in some ways.
But I have to qualify that, because I KNOW that I could not do half the things I used to do.
I remember I built data bases and did calculations that I simply would have no idea how to do now, that’s when I was working for the SA Housing Trust in their dept Industiral and Commercial Property.
But there are other things I do better now than I did then, so I guess it all balances itself out somehow.
I have been listening to more lectures every night and learning so much about the book of Matthew from Tim Mackie.
He showed an animation in one of the lectures that was simply amazing.
It gave a visual summary of the first 15 chapters of Matthew which gave an overall picture of the general thrust of the book which was simply wonderful.
I am so glad that I have spent so much of my time writing daily stories about my life last year which would probably be lost to me now if I hadn’t done it.
But now, I can go back and read everything I did, and all the people I met and I will never forget them all.
So many friends I have made, so many people to love.
You all know who you are, and you will know that as I get older and less in control of my brain if that happens, that you are all still in the forefront of my mind, and that until the day I die, I will remember you all.
I have loved Tim Machie’s view of the Bible as an integrated book that begins with “in the beginning” and finishes with “Surely I come quickly.”
Well, not quickly enough for me however.
I am hanging out for him to come, hopefully in 2020!!
How wonderful it will be to see the dawning of the new day, when the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
When I can throw away my walker and my walking stick, and rise up on “eagles’ wings” and soar into a new world in which dwells righteousness.
when “the grace of ourLord Jesus Christ” will mantle the earth.
When we will enter through the east gate of the Temple with the sound of “many waters” and our glory will fill the temple so that no mortal man can stand within, but we will all be immortal at that time.