20181026 – Friday – Aquatic Centre

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20181026 – Friday – Aquatic Centre

This morning I woke up and decided to go to the Swimming Centre.

I drove there and then swam for 1 hour. 

I look at all the people there exercising religiously in the water, but I never see any of them getting smaller, thinner.

I am realising since I have been on a low/no carb diet, and I am losing weight, that exercising is not enough.

Exercising just maintains your flexibility, but if you are hugely overweight, you will not get healthier than a “maintenance” situation.

So, I can’t wait until I lose a lot more weight (I have lost 3.4 since I started on this diet).

I really want to be ready for my knee replacement operation in March. 

Who knows? Maybe I won’t even need that operation by then.

We shall see.

The most notable thing I have noticed since I have been on the low/carb no carb diet is that my overnight passing of urine has diminished quite dramatically, and a large percentage of my incontinence.

So, I now have hope that I may be able to rid myself of that problem as well.

I am in the process of transcribing Study 25 and 26 of Jim Dillingham’s Visions of the kingdom.

I posted Sam Mansfield’s combined week end studies on Monday and sent out to my emailing list.

Received thanks and requests for the PowerPoint slides from a number of people.



Now for my Thursday diet interaction with Darren.

Fay: I have managed to post to wordpress and to reference and post in facebook.

After a wonderful sleep today, I went to Inc cafe.

Breakfast was 2 poached eggs, mushrooms, tomato and spinach.

Have come home now and will. Make some fresh chicken shop and have a sleep.

1.04 pm at 15.1 sugar level.

Have just made, the chicken soup with lots of herbs and spices in my soup-maker. Will be ready in 1/2 hour.

My energy levels are good but will still lie down until the chicken soup is ready. 

Darren: Good to hear.

Fay: It is. 

Small bowl of soup and 1/2 cup coconut milk at 1.50 pm.

2.38 pm at 16.7 sugar level

1 tin tuna, 1 boiled egg, 3.37 pm at 16 sugar level.

I have noticed that I have almost no incontinence leakage. 

It looks like the incontinence is linked to “out of control” diabetes, but when it is “under control” the leakage diminishes and much less urine is needed to take away the body waste.

Darren: Well, that is good. 

Did you complete your two forms this morning?

Fay: Yes. Didn’t you get them. I think you need a date in the form.

Darren: I did receive them.

I am just looking at them now.

Fay: A date field?

Darren: Doesn’t need it because it is time and date stamped when you submit it.

That’s why I need you to do it each morning so it makes sense.

Fay: OK. Will do it each morning from now on.

Pam Smith would like to be able to use form too, is that possible?

She lives in Lismore.

Darren: As in she wants me to see all her stats?

Fay: No,she want to run it herself for herself.

Darren: I could create a copy and she could do it, but no sure I really want to. 

I am just doing this for you.

Fay: That’s ok. I guess that some time in future you may want to copyright it.

5.00 pm at 15.6 sugar.

Darren, eating as I do, eggs at breakfast, that is not the time I feel like eating fruit. So I don’t get any fruit at all.

So I want to introduce eating small amounts of fruit in the afternoon. 

I am suggesting say, just small amount of apple and half a small banana in the afternoon.

I have to live with this diet so in the long-term I think I need some fruit in my diet in the afternoon.

Today, this afternoon, I have eaten 1/2 banana and a slice of a small apple, and I notice that it  hasn’t spiked my sugar at all.


8.49 pm at 17.7 sugar

10 units of insulin.

9 .3 pm at 18.4 sugar

10 units of insulin

Went to bed but watched Netflix.

Day over.

10.30 pm at 15.2 sugar.