20190210 – Sunday – Leaving for Tassie

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20190210 – Sunday – Leaving for Tassie

I didn’t sleep well. 

I was watching a Netflix video.

And I was angry with myself for doing this, because it wasn’t a good movie, and it certainly wasn’t edifying!

I decided to opt out of Netflix, hopefully, once and for all.

I watch Netflix when I am resting and almost always I am unhappy with myself afterwards, because rarely do I find a “good” movie to watch.

Good movies are so very rare, and I have started SO many movies and then abandoned them part way through because the content is unsuitable in some way, and I an tired of having coarse words pop into my mind, after I have watched even a portion of a bad movie.

What will I replace it with?

Well, I will have to search the internet for good documentaries for cdvideo.org for Bible material and “light relief” from maybe u-tube and such.

I am aware that I waste so much of my precious time watching unsuitable material and God tells me to “redeem the time.” 

I notice that in the Bible a person may be commended for the “good” things he has done in his life, but then at the end comes God’s final comment, yet “neither did he forsake the idols of Egypt.” 

And even Rachel, when Jacob fled from Laban, would not leave without taking with her Laban’s household “gods.” 

It seems that we are capable of “loving God with all our heart,” and yet in a corner of our heart is the desire for Laban’s “gods.”

And I am no different.

How many times have I promised myself that, “no more” will I fill my mind with the “images of Egypt.”

And yet, “the good that I would, I do not, and the evil that I would not, that I do!”

So I will make one more try to eliminate as many of the idols of Egypt from my heart and mind as possible.

I have got rid of the TV,  that was a step forward, and now Netflix has gone.

I know I will still look for information on the internet, but it will be easier to find “good” stuff, and hopefully, harder to find “bad stuff.”

So this afternoon I am off to Tassie, God willing.

I went to the chemist and took my 2 prescriptions to be filled, borrowed a couple of pencils of insulin from the chemist (from my prescription).

Then purchased some small shampoo and conditioner and new toothbrush and paste.

Here’s hoping I don’t leave behind something crucial.

Off to Inc for breakfast and my diary.

And that is all for now.