20190304 – Monday – Progress

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20190304 – Monday – Progress

Today has been a very productive day for me.

First of all after the assessment I have recently had for my needs in my unit, the council sent a handyman around to put two rails in my bathroom and they will make access in my bathroom area much more easy for me to manage.

A few minutes after the tradesman had gone, Ali G arrived to clear the weeds from my driveway.

She arrived in company with Anne M who then proceeded to clean my unit.

Wonderful friends I have.

And finally when they had both done wonders to my home environment, Ali and Ann then cleaned out my car and put everything on the bench on my verandah for me to sort and put away.

Finally, Ali and Anne drove off; Anne driving my little car away for her use over the next 6 months.

Later Trevor G rang me to get the details for the compulsory servicing of my car.

I arranged the service for next Tuesday.

Trev will drive my car to the service centre, and then Ali and Trev will pick me up from my home and take me out for coffee whilst my car is being serviced

I will then pay for it and then Ali and Trev will take me back home.

So Anne will be driving my car for the next 6 months and it will give her time to look for a new car for herself.

So things seem to be working out rather well over all for me during these 6 months without my license.

Today, Rob picked me up as promised and dropped me off at the Inc cafe so I can have a nice breakfast and do some study etc until he picks me up and drops me home at around 2 pm this afternoon.

I did an order over the internet for Woolworths for groceries, and they were delivered between 5 am – 8 am this morning.

So that is one job successfully accomplished.

Wednesday night, Fay B took me to the class at South and so I have hardly had time to feel deprived at all.

All things work together for good, it seems to me.

Now that the car is gone, that means I will have $50 extra per week with no cost for petrol for the next 6 months as well, so it cant all be bad.

I had coffee with Peter H yesterday which I enjoyed very much.

We went to Inc cafe, where Peter wanted to have breakfast like I have at Inc, but we got there after 11, and the chef closes down by then.

Instead he had to make do with a wrap which was a shame.

We talked about heaven and a number of other Bible subjects, until talked out he took me home.

I am glad that I brought my jacket today (I almost didnt) and it is quite cool here at the Inc cafe.

Last night I took out a Utube subscription to take the place of the Netflix license I have closed down.

I will give this a try for my leisure time.

I will see how that goes, whether it is better than Netflix and not so harmful to my mind.

I have a feeling there will be a better choice, maybe of documentaries and such, and hopefully not the proliferation of bad language to contaminate my brain as I found with Netflix.

I simply hate how every second word people these days in the media speak is a profanity, and usually of the sexual sort.

I dont understand how women can use these words which are always abusive to themselves.

And I realise that one can not have these kind of thoughts pass through ones mind without risking contamination.

So I try to keep my thoughts clean, because as a man/woman thinketh, so is he/she.