20190402 – Tuesday –
All ready
Well I am all ready for tomorrow morning.
This afternoon I received a delivery from Flinders medical centre of a large chair and a hospital walking frame designed for my rehabilitation after my op.
The nurse rang me this afternoon to tell me that my op is the first one up in the morning at 6.45 am.
I mentioned that I was already fasting and was very quickly told that I should go and eat because the surgeon wanted my sugar levels to be reasonably high, and NOT low.
That low sugar levels are more dangerous than higher ones.
So I went and cooked some eggs and blueberries and later had some fish and some coconut oil.
Then I showered using the special sponge they have given me to kill all the bacteria on my skin.
I have to shower again in the morning using the second sponge so my skin can have a second chance of being free of bacteria , because the biggest danger is that of infection.
I looked at Facebook and saw that my two daughters are having dinner together at the Marriatville hotel this evening.
And Melbourne daughter will drive me to Flinders first up tomorrow morning, God Willing.
It will be so good to see her then.
I don’t think I will sleep but it doesn’t matter.
I will just be happy to be there and get the process started.
Thank u everyone for all your good wishes a and prayers.