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20180514 – Monday


Dear Brothers and Sisters in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Well, those are the posts I put up on facebook to entertain my friends. From the very first day that I arrived in the valley, I found that my posts were being questioned. One morning Gail came rushing down the stairs and woke me out of a deep sleep. She told me that I would have to take down my last post. I asked why. She told me that she had invited a number of girls from Hunter Valley, and ai had made a comment in my post saying “the Hunter Valley girls are here for an evening with Gail.” The problem was, she told me, that they had not invited two of the Hunter Valley Girls and they would see my post and know they had not been invited, so I would have to take down the post. I took down the post. I had been shocked out of a deep sleep, so I was actually crying about this.


I felt so unnerved, and I could not remember what I had writte in my earlier two posts, and just to be sure I had not offended anyone, I took those posts down too. They had taken me hours in my day to write them up but I took them down so as not to offend anyone


Now I have known the Ryan family for yers and Marg Ryan is my old and dear friend. I found to my dismay that the Ryan family was divided down the middle. Two of the boys and Marg were not speaking to the other two boys. This grieved me, but I decided I would just sit on the fence and not get involved. Gail had been expecting that she could tell me her “story” and that I would support her. But when she began to speak about the Hunter Valley problems, I asked her to stop and said look I don’t know the ecclesial politics and the other Ryan boys are my friends too. Marg did the same and I have her the same message, I just didn’t want to know.


Well it got more and more difficult as time went on. Then one day I was having a meal with The three boys and their families and  I finally did decide to discuss the matter. I asked them why they couldn’t just “get over it.” Why couldn’t they just put their arms around each other and love each other. They said that they had tried that so often and that I was now affecting their health and they had all decided that they would just keep in their own ecclesias and not engage in communication with the other group.


Well having spoken to them, I also spoke to the other two Ryan families, and their story was the same. It wasn’t them who was at fault it was the other group and they had tried to heal the breach but the other side would not cooperate. I wrote a post, you can read it, it was on the 8th I think, and it was that post that brought the sky down on my head, and two of the brothers abused me in very strong words and the wife of one of them slandered sme in her emails to me, calling me “sneaky” a terminology that I will not accept.


I packed up that day and went to a place that was off the map so I could think and recover. I was exhausted and fell asleep. Of cours two of the brothers did not know I was asleep so the assumed I was stubbornly ignoring them. And so they got more and more angry and abusive to me.


I decided that the only way I could possibly handle this was to block all of Hunter Valley from my friends list, and that, sadly included Gail who has been my friend for 50 years, because she was close friend with one of the wives and I could not have my affairs being discussed between her and Gail.


Now one of the brothers was very angry with me and was working hard to be “right” and  I asked him to read between the lines at what I was trying to say and love me and not hate me. Well we managed to sort it out between us and then I thought to myself, that if He and I could manage to come to peace, then maybe others could follow example. So I put up a post in which I showed the process of how he and I transitioned from angry bitter words to each other to a state of peace and love, and I asked people to follow hat process.


Well that post was reported by that wife and she two brothers and so I could not get on facebook for 24 hours. The Hunter Valley brothers ad sisters were following my posts and so they would take screenshots while a post was up and try to capture it before it was taken down. I think some 10 or posts were taken down by Wife Number 1.


I have been invited to a number of homes for a meal over the time I have been in the valley, and to my distress almost everyone int he Valley has been in conflict of such magnitude with the two brothers and wife and all are suffering from the trauma of extreme bullying. They’d all wanted me to somehow solve their problems. Nobody was prepared to say anything publicly because Wife number 1 was saying things like “I will ruin you.” Or “I will sue you.” She used the same tactics on others as she was now using on me. She had made it impossible for my to communicate with my friends because every post I wrote got taken down, not matter how innocuous the content.


There have been nervous breakdowns, suicidal thoughts, and so many have suffered extreme pain. If you happen to look at the posts underneath my posts on facebook. I do not think there has been one word of censure against me, because everyone is hoping that maybe this little old lady with the white hair might somehow be the one to save all of them from their pain and misery.


The brothers that have supported me have not been just the little person, but the respected names in the ecclesia have said they supported me and just did not have the strength to fight the bullies ay longer. Some said they had had to remove their children from their school because of the bully8ing they were receiving at the command of wife Number 1.


So I just want you to look at my. posts and see if they wee untrue or indiscreet. Whether they deserved the unkindness and night handed treatment of wife Number one.


I can’t do much more for people in this valley except to love them and support them but I have found to my despair and sadness, that wife Number 1 is an evil ad wicked woman whom many people in the Valley have labelled as “the devil>’ or Jezebel and her weak husband as Ahab. I amd afraid I have to agree with the


m.Sods that is all I hve to say at present on this matter.