20181101 – Thursday – My mum’s birthday

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20181101 – Thursday – My Mum’s birthday

This morning I woke up and began working on the next section of “the Blacksmith’s Daughter” Volume 2. 

I published Ch 14 last night on my web site. I was so pleased to have finally got back to it after so many years.

I added lots of photos from that time too.

So I began to work through my diary for 1976! I never thought I could get past 1974 which was such a pivotal year in my life to that time.

Because I had put such a lot of work into the years from 1939 to 1974 I remember EVERYTHING that happened in those early years.

But the years from 1974 onwards, very little.

I know from past experience that now, my brain will explore itself and from the “promptings” that I have given it of my very sparse diary of 1976, it will over time fill in more and more of my memories from that time.

I am constantly in awe of how amazing our brains are made.

We have know idea of what God has built into our bodies, and especially how absolutely valuable our memories are. 

Our memories are WHO we are.

When I finished working and wanted a break, I got ready to get out of my house into the world.

I didn’t feel like staying home, or going to Inc cafe to work. 

I felt like a day off.

So I rang Ann Fergusson and suggested that I visit. 

She was happy for me to do so. 

So I keyed her address into my trusty GPS  and headed towards her place.

I could not get over how different South Road looks these days. 

Great pylons on the huge overpasses.

Last time I came this way it was all still in constructing stages, and was just a nightmare to get any distance.

But now, it is all finished and there in its final “monstrosity.” 

But, for sure, it takes little time to get a long way now. 

It took me less than 1/2 hour to get to Anne’s place.

Annes’ mother was there as well, and Anne and her little boy.

We chatted away happily for some time. Anne and Peter have been to another Bible School recently- they seem to go to ALL the Bible Schools.

When I first came to the door, Anne pretended not to be able to see me because of the weight I have lost!

Now Anne is preparing lunch, and while she is doing that I am spending a few minutes writing up my blog for today.

So here is my diet notes for yesterday.



Fay: Wake up 9.00 am at 11.2 sugar level

Weighed myself at 96.9 kg.

Darren: Those sugar level are better for this morning, and at 3.30.

The 20 of Lantus seems to work better for you.

Fay: They are, aren’t they?

Lantus 20 units.

Breakfast 1 boiled egg, 1/2 avocado, slice of watermelon, 3 grapes.

9 hours sleep, Good solid sleep it was. Little leakage overnight.

Darren: Great, that’s all great.

Fay: Yes it is. 

Trouble is I woke up too late for a swim! Too bad, I will go tomorrow.

Darren: Why can’t you go now?

Fay: Rehab is between 5 am and 10 am and after that all the kids are in the pool and make it difficult to exercise in peace.

Darren: All right. U could go in the evening?

Fay: Much better to go at early afternoon or at 6.00 pm

I will go to Inc this morning.

Darren: At least that way it still gives you and opportunity to get in the pool and do some movement. 

Maybe after that you could go to the movies.

Fay: Maybe. 

I am so pleased about how I feel.

Even walking better.

My aim is not to have to have the knee op at all.

I reckon it is possible.

And I am loving the food I am eating. 

I don’t feel deprived at all!

And it is costing me less so I am able to save more $.

Thanks so much for helping motivate me.

Darren: Well even if u need an op still, making these changes now will make recovery a whole lot better with a higher change of success.

Fay: I have started my Blacksmith story, vol 2 Ch 14 last night. Worked till midnight on it.

Yes, that is true.

Darren: Nice work, that is all on your word press site?

Fay: I am up to 1975. 

I think I will just publish it on my web site and not on FB because there will be stuff in there  CDs will not want to read.

I still have to write your story too.

Darren: You should definitely do it all on your web site. 

Makes way more sense and can then also be used as an archive for people to go back on. 

Very hard to do that on facebook.

Fay: Yes, I am doing everything on WordPress now.

My “following” numbers have sky-rocketed!

I have actually earned a whole $15 recently on Adsense, haha.

Darren: Well, look at that. You could actually get yourself some extra income from all this too.

Fay:  Not unless I have a lot more followers than I have now.

Though, having said that, since I have been using WordPress, the numbers have increased fourfold.

Don’t people have anything better to do than read my meanderings?

But I am glad they do because they keep me company on my way.

12.3 pm at 11.6 sugar level